January 25, 2016

Becoming a housewife can be hard enough, let alone making the time to apply practical spiritual methods to your day. Sarah Lawrence Hinson discusses her experiences of the application of energy work and how it can help your day move along as you develop your intuition while you are changing diapers! Read more

January 21, 2016

  I’m in the pharmacy with my 7-year-old son. He points to an item on the shelf and asks, “Daddy, may I have this for Christmas?” I look at what he’s pointing to. It’s a black Darth Vader watch. So I ask him, “Why do you want this for Christmas?” To which he responds, “Because all the boys in my class have one.” Hmm…my dilemma: my son has never seen a Star Wars movie; he knows little or nothing about the film and... Read more

January 3, 2016

In a recent article I wrote, “How to Brainwash Your Monkey,” I talked about how easily we can fall sway to the illusions and stories we tell ourselves or that others tell us, and that when we do so, we then identify with these stories, an identification that causes us to move far away from what is true. And what happens is that by then identifying with these stories, we start believing things that aren’t true, and we will continue... Read more

December 23, 2015

As we look back on 2015 and say collectively, “Glad that’s over!” maybe we can find some things to be glad about in the rubble of so much violence, strife, and disaster in this year’s headlines. I came to the role of Managing Editor of the Spirituality Channel at Patheos this past fall by a rather circuitous route, having narrowly dodged the academic life. One part of my historiographical training (that’s the study of the history of history, if you... Read more

December 10, 2015

Written by Catherine Coleman Flowers. The gathering of nations for two weeks in Le Bourget, Paris is an effort to achieve a legally-binding agreement on climate. In order to avoid the destruction of life on earth, humankind must change the way we do things, and acknowledge the rights of Mother Earth. To help achieve that objective we also need to clearly articulate the needs of frontline communities and nations and partner to stem the flow of climate refugees. This can not... Read more

December 5, 2015

Written by Mindahi Bastida Muñoz. In this era of globalization and climate change, the wisdom and knowledge of individual ancient cultures is beginning to cross-pollinate in inter-cultural dialogue. This dialogue, which is happening this week in Paris, may represent our only chance of facing the escalating all-encompassing crisis that threatens to overwhelm individuals and nations alike and possibly destroy all. As it progresses, it is also important for Native peoples to come together in unity so that they may share the... Read more

December 5, 2015

COP21—the 21st Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change—is happening right now in Paris. Over 40,000 people, including lobbyists, activists, representatives from business, industry, and agriculture, as well as spiritual and religious leaders from around the world, have come together to forge a global agreement to curb human activities that interfere with the climate. This process began in Rio in 1992 and came into force in 1994 when 195 countries, including the US, ratified a... Read more

April 23, 2013

Make the Moment can help you unlock the skills & talents in your congregation. With that kind of information, what kind of difference could you start making in your community? With that kind of knowledge, where will God lead your church? Read more

April 10, 2013

By Chris Highland As a former “person of faith” who no longer has a “faith tradition” I am sensitive to the divisiveness of labels–they don’t stick to me very well any more. Usually when people ask if I’m an Atheist I reply that I’m a Freethinker. I am not Anti-Faith or Anti-God. I’m Pro-Good and Pro-Reason. I have friends, family and colleagues who are people of faith. I’ve devoted most of my life to helping others as a chaplain, a... Read more

September 18, 2012

his other part of my religious upbringing, this Jesus Christ, was a much trickier horse to bet on. I didn’t doubt that a famed historical teacher once lived and breathed in the ancient near east. Even secular historians like Josephus described the existence of Jesus of Nazareth as fact. A nice enough guy, that Jesus. A good leader. And he surely captured the attention of the crowds. But to form a whole world-view around him? Seemed a little overboard. Read more

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