A Satanic Coloring Book for Kids?

Most people will see such a thing as a Satanic Coloring Book for Kids as a bit of fringe lunacy.

Or will they?

I’d like to think that most people would regard Ouija boards, necromancy, fortune telling, witchcraft and Black Magic as fringe lunacy, but they don’t. They take it all seriously.

Which reminds me of the Chesterton quip that when people stop believing in God they’ll believe in anything.

Here’s the problem: Human beings cannot exist in an atheistic vacuum. When people stop worshipping God it is only one or two generations before they start worshipping Satan.

Do you see something like this and say, “Pshaw. It’s just a bit of silly stuff from a lunatic group. Fuhgeddaboudit.”

I wish I could be so dismissive. The problem I have is that I refuse to underestimate the gullibility of the American public and their vulnerability to the blandishments of Satan.

As Pope Francis keeps reminding us, Satan is real. He is the Father of Lies. He does not sleep. He prowls about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.

We should not write off this kind of material as harmless and silly. It’s not.

They are deadly serious, with the emphasis on deadly.

I have seen the results of dabbling in the occult and believe me. It ain’t pretty.

I have no doubt that we will see an increase in the activity of groups like The Satanic Temple.

That’s why the Pope is telling Bishops to train more exorcists.