Complain about the heresy and hypocrisy if you must, but make sure the first person you complain to is the man or woman in the mirror. After all, that person is the only one whose hypocrisy and heresy you can do anything about.
Secondly, read church history. You think the church is bad now? Do you think it is riddled with immoral priests, laxity, lapsed Catholics, CINOs, loopy progressives on the one hand and paranoid ultra traditionalists on the other? Do you think the church is about to go under and stay under? Do you think things are dark and drear and the end is near? Take a deep breath. The church has always been riddled with corruption from within and persecution from without.
Third, read the lives of the saints. Their heroism will remind you that in every age there were also great and wonderful saints. Look for a few of them hidden in your own world today and try to be one yourself.
Listen to the people you don’t like. The ones in the church who rub you the wrong way might be saying something you can learn from. The ability to do this is something we call “humility”.
Pray more, and stay close to Jesus and Mary. The more you stay close to Jesus and Mary the more you will be cured of you own hypocrisy and heresy and the more you will be able to be resigned to the fact that they are the ones, by God’s good grace, who have their eye on the rest of the church and will bring us through even the most terrible of tribulations.
Finally, be glad you’re a Catholic. Thank God you’re a Catholic. Your heresy is corrected by the fullness of the church’s magisterium. Your hypocrisy is corrected and cleansed by going to confession.