Slubgrip on Individualism


Of course, like all these things, it cuts both ways. While you want to encourage this sort of individualism, you want to watch that you don’t take it too far. We want our patients to assert their individualism, but we certainly do not want them to do anything courageously individualistic in the service of the Enemy.

Snoot was developing a girl into an individualistic, lonely artist type. She had cut herself off from all her “normal” friends and started to be reclusive. She could have been formed into a pleasing eccentric who went down the path of weirdness and depravity, but Snoot allowed the girl to start reading about that nauseating French girl Therese of all people, and before long the Enemy agents pulled a reversal and the girl ended up becoming a missionary sister working in a slum. This is just the sort of devious trick the Enemy likes to pull. You spend so long developing a patient along a certain path, and he uses the very thing you were working on to pull the rug out from under you.

Individualism is the best way to turn your patient into an arrogant, ignorant self-righteous egotist. Keep him sated in his overwhelming self-regard, but as soon as he starts thinking that he might do something brave, noble and excellent which would make him stand out from the crowd, remind him that he doesn’t want to be thought of as an oddball, a snob or someone who is “weird.”

There’s the bell. Off you go, slugs. Read chapter three for tomorrow on eclecticism.

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