Ten Things to Tell Your Altar Servers

6. Being a torch or book bearer has more meaning than you thought – Do you carry the candles? You are saying, “We all bear within our hearts the light of Christ we received at Baptism. We are the lights in the dark, the bright stars of the universe.” The candles accompany the cross and the gospel because the gospel and the cross bring light to the world. Do you hold or carry the book? You represent the evangelists and apostles who bore the word of God to the world. You also remind each one of us that we are called to bear the good news of God’s love to the whole world.

7. You are the Angels before the Throne – At the Holy, Holy, Holy you should go to the step of the altar and kneel for the consecration prayer. At this point you represent the angels of God bowing before the throne of God in adoration. I said this once to my altar servers in training and one of the moms said, “You’ve got to be kidding!” She was joking, but makes the point that you ordinary boys and girls represent the angels before the throne of God. Bow low at the consecration. Ring the bell with care and beauty. The way you worship at this point will raise the hearts and minds of all the people. If you are reverent and silent and sincere you will help everyone else to worship more deeply in the beauty of holiness.

8. Serve the altar with ritual actions – Make a bow before the altar. Make a little bow to the priest and deacon after they take the elements or wash their hands. These little ritual acts take the people into the ritual mindset. Ritual transcends our own personalities and makes us bigger than our ordinary little lives. When you serve in a ritual manner you therefore help everyone’s hearts and minds to be lifted. Do the actions with solemnity and dignity. This visual language helps raise peoples minds to God. It works without them even being aware of it. That’s cool isn’t it?

9. Take pride in what you do – Be faithful in your duties for God is faithful to you. Pay attention to the details for God is in the details. Turn your actions into prayer for everything can lead to God if we allow. What you are doing is service to God and it will open your heart and lead you close to him even when you are not aware of it. If you take pride in serving well you’ll be surprised how this will start to affect your whole life. You’ll soon take more pride in your appearance, your schoolwork, your sports and your relationships.

10. You Are Very Necessary – Did I say you were un-necessary? What I meant was that you are MORE than necessary. You’re vital because you are performing not just a functional role but a symbolic role and symbolism is the language of worship. Your actions in the Mass are symbolic of much more than you think and they way you serve can lead people closer to God. Your more than necessary because beauty is more than necessary and what you are doing is beautiful.  There is too little beauty in our brutal world and by taking time to do something beautiful for God you’re making the world a better place.  Don’t be ashamed of that, and don’t underestimate your importance!