On the Verge of Possibilities

On the Verge of Possibilities February 9, 2012

Each day, I get up and stand at the edge, looking out over the possibilities.

Life is filled with possibilities, with opportunities.They are all around us. The challenge for us is to recognize them, to choose, and to take the steps we need to take to meet them.

We slow ourselves down. We get in our own way. We live in the past, filled with regret or reliving past glories. We live in the future, filled with anxiety or distracted with fantasies. We distract ourselves with the stories other people tell. We live in our heads. We do not know what we want. We refuse to choose. We do not show up. We do not take the first step.

It is sad. It is easy for us to be distracted, to turn our backs and not face the possibilities. It is easy for us to be afraid of making a mistake, of not choosing wisely. Some of us stay asleep, not waking up to stand at the edge. We miss so much.

Each day, I take time to stand at the edge looking out over the possibilities. I need some silence and some solitude. I need to breathe. I need to listen and be open. Sometimes I take a walk. The key for me is to see the possibilities.

For me, it takes both. I need to open myself to the possibilities, and I need to step forward into what I choose. The choosing and the stepping are as important as appreciating what presents itself to me.

It depends on my willingness to take that first step.

What is the next step for you?

[Image by JSmith Photo]

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