Why Revelry?

Why Revelry? July 17, 2012

Some people hear about what I do or see that my website says Leadership, Pilgrimage, Revelry and ask,

“Why Revelry? What does revelry have to do with what you do?”

Revelry is celebrating or taking delight in something, which is essential to the work I do at StrategicMonk.

There are people who think that coaching and spiritual direction are boring, or even depressing. Asking a coach or a director for help is one of the last things they would do. They see that asking for help is discouraging, a sign that they have failed on their own.

Some people even think that coaching and direction are about making people do things they do not want to do or imposing difficult disciplines on them.

I am not one of those people.

Working with individuals and organizations, I help them recognize and appreciate their core values and vision for themselves. I help them take delight in being their true selves and celebrate the skills and experience they bring to what they do.

Revelry is not all fun and games. Revelry takes hard work, and celebrates the growth and effectiveness that come with that work. Knowing who you are and what you can accomplish contributes to taking responsibility for doing what you can.

Revelry helps build community as your true self connects with the true selves around you.

I also try to be a good example of revelry by hosting opportunities for celebration. I invite people to join me on a Craft Brewery Pilgrimage that visits a new craft brewery each month. I hold office hours at local restaurants during happy hours. I offer ways for people to spend time in reflection and restoration.

Will you join me in revelry?

What will you take delight in today?

[Image by Shermeee]

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