Why Pilgrimage?

Why Pilgrimage? July 18, 2012

When people see that my website says Leadership, Pilgrimage, Revelry, some of them ask,

“Why Pilgrimage? What does pilgrimage have to do with what you do?”

The power of pilgrimage is that it incorporates the everyday aspects of walking and transportation into a sacred journey.

Pilgrims are not tourists. People who make pilgrimages see and learn things along the way that shape the rest of their lives.

Pilgrimage is essential to the work I do at StrategicMonk. Each of us is on a journey that incorporates the everyday and the sacred, and each of us is shaped by the wisdom we gain along the way.

My own pilgrimage has included times of travel and times of extended stays, times of productivity and times of great dryness. I spent a long time asleep to myself, and now I am living the dream of recognizing my true self. My journey has been both painful and triumphant.

I work with people who are on journeys of their own. Some of them are focused too much on their destinations, while others do not really know where they want to go. Each person’s pilgrimage is significant and very personal to that individual.

Each of them needs a guide, someone who has faced similar challenges and who can help them meet them for themselves. Each of them needs specific help along the way. Some of the people I help need a spiritual director, some need a leadership coach.

Some of my work is with organizations that are on a journey like individual people.

Each is telling the story of their journey, remembering what inspires and motivates them and finding out what comes next. Each pilgrimage is filled with challenges, lessons, and wisdom that will shape the steps that come next.

Where are you on your journey?

What lessons will you learn today?

[Image by h.koppdelaney]

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