Focus Takes My Breath Away

Focus Takes My Breath Away May 16, 2013


There are times when I am so focused that I forget to breathe.

I am talking, and I keep pushing until I run out of air. I am writing or thinking, and I realize that need to stand up, walk around and take a deep breath.

Focus can be very helpful to me. I remember things, and get things done because I am able to focus. It can be important to pay attention, to concentrate, to bring things into focus. Sometimes, though, I get carried away. Sometimes I lock onto the focus of my attention, I get drawn into concentrating, and it is difficult for me to let go.

Focus can take my breath away.

I am not easily diverted or distracted, unless I want to be. I love how it feels to learn something, the way the pieces come together and you see the picture. My focus gives me the ability to keep working on something until I understand, until I get it to work. I am able to listen very carefully and pay attention to the story underneath what someone tells me.

Being focused, though, can make it frustrating when something does not work the way it has been promised it will. Focus does not always help me see things clearly, and more focus does not always work better. It can be tempting to try to be sharp by becoming narrow.

There are times when I am paying attention to things that are not very important, or very helpful. There are times when concentrating does not help me see more clearly or deeply.

Sometimes it is best to stop and take a deep breath.

When is the last time your focus took your breath away?

Will you take time today to catch your breath?

[Image by maessive]

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