Working Up a Sweat

Working Up a Sweat April 2, 2015


We measure our strength by testing ourselves to find out how far we can go. Even when we compete against someone else, our truest competitors are ourselves.

We build strength by pushing against our limits. We want to run faster, push harder, or create more innovative technology than we have before. We want to continue developing new skills, meeting new challenges. We work hard, pushing ourselves to get stronger.

We want to become stronger, better, smarter, more accomplished each day. We want each step to take us closer to our goals. We work hard to move forward.

We focus on finding new ways to become more of ourselves, and practice putting them into action. We put our bodies to work to become stronger physically. We put our minds to work to become stronger intellectually. We put our hearts to work to become stronger emotionally.

We work up a sweat, pushing ourselves to grow and improve.

We test ourselves against the way we see ourselves, working toward a new personal best. We push ourselves harder, looking for ways we can become just a bit stronger or faster.

We work and sweat out the impurities that slow us down. With each step, each jump, we let go of what holds us back. We work up a sweat as we get closer and closer to our true selves.

We discover new potential as we work harder. We practice running to become faster, we practice thinking to become more analytical. We practice contemplation to become deeper. With each effort, we find new strength within us.

We would never find out how far we can go if we did not work up a sweat.

How will you build your strength today?

What is your favorite way to work up a sweat?

[Image by hectorir]

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