What Happens Now?

What Happens Now? April 4, 2015


I belong to a liturgical church. We divide our years into liturgical seasons. One of those seasons, Lent, is ending.

Lent is about assessing and making changes to find balance in our lives. Some people choose something to give up or do without for Lent, while others decide to develop new qualities or habits.

I have talked with people who chose something challenging to give up this year who are eager for Lent to be over. They are looking forward to going back to caffeine or chocolate or social media.

My understanding of Lent is different. For me, Lent is not about having the endurance to make my practice last for forty days. My approach is to introduce changes during Lent that will last into the future.

This difference shapes how I decide on a practice to begin each year. My Lent is not a race to cross a finish line; My Lent is adjusting how I see, and continue on, the journey.

In a way, my Lent does not really end. Celebrating Easter includes the discipline of Lent. This week is not about being freed from self-imposed constraints, but about exploring new life. Life has changed for me since Ash Wednesday, and I am not eager to rid my life of those changes.

Lent is not a season of deprivation followed by the joys of Easter. We find our practices each day. We learn lessons and celebrate new growth and life. Each day is a step on our journey. There is joy in discipline and discipline in celebration.

The lessons we have gained, the balance we have found, shape our lives. We celebrate a freshness of spiritual life each day, each moment.

What practices shape your experience of spiritual life?

How will you celebrate refreshed spiritual life today?

Happy Easter!

[Image by ButterflySha]

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