Monastic Strategies: Each Morning We Begin Again

Monastic Strategies: Each Morning We Begin Again June 15, 2021

Monastic Strategies: Each Morning We Begin Again

Each Morning We Begin Again

Many of us think of spiritual life as an overwhelming path we struggle to continue following. We think of monks who seem to spend their entire lives reflecting and practicing. In fact, spiritual life is something we begin again each morning.

In his rule which governs monastic communities, Benedict writes, Always we begin again.

People who embrace monastic life make commitments for the rest of their lives. They live into their commitments in new ways each day.

Once a person with whom I met for spiritual direction was working to develop a particular practice. He was confused and discouraged and ready to stop trying.

I listened to the story of his struggles, and told him, “That is fine. Give up for now. Just begin again tomorrow.”

Some of us act as if we believe spiritual life is all about dedication and perseverance. We seem to think spiritual life is about overcoming obstacles and fighting our way through every challenge.

My experience is more about trying and reflecting, learning and doing what we can. When we realize we cannot go further or do more, we stop and listen to sacred stillness. We remember spiritual life lives within us and all around us, and we rest in its loving presence.

In the morning we wake up and begin again.

Spiritual life is not about following rules or avoiding mistakes. We are not struggling to meet some high standard or exceed expectations. Spiritual life is about learning how, whatever our circumstances, to begin again.

No matter how many time we have tried to practice listening to sacred stillness, we can begin again. Even if we do everything we expect ourselves to do one day, the next step is about beginning again.

Monastic life is about learning to begin again.

We Practice How to Begin Again

Each moment, each hour, each morning, each day, each week, each month, we begin again.

It is not because we want everything to be perfect. We do not begin again to demonstrate our stubbornness or determination. It is not as if our will power is refusing to stop, refusing to quit. We are not trying, trying again because we have not yet succeeded.

Beginning again, and again, is about learning and growing each time we try. We want to continue growing and apply what we learned when we tried before.

As we put what we learn into practice we begin again.

Spiritual life is not a test of endurance. We explore and practice what we discover. When we recognize spiritual life in us and the people around us we begin to see it more clearly. Spiritual life reveals itself to us in more depth.

We pause to rest, to reflect, to recover, to catch our breath. Always, we begin again. We stop, look around us, and decide to take another first step. We begin again from a new place.

No two steps are exactly the same. Each step prepares us to begin again.

New beginnings can feel like fresh starts. We let go of what has happened before, putting the past behind us. Beginning often has an energy of its own.

Beginning again can be a challenge and a struggle. We often require more motivation to start over than to continue.  Some of us need to overcome inertia or frustration.

Beginnings are important and beginning again can be even more significant. Beginning can be exciting and energizing. A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Every day on our journey depends on our first step.

Our days are full of opportunities to begin again.

When Do We Begin Again?

Each morning begins when we open our eyes. We practice remembering to open our eyes to the potential and the beauty of each moment. Some of us work to find ways to wake up and begin again in each moment.

We are like plants on which the buds are almost ready to bloom. As the blossoms start to emerge, and open, everything begins to change.

It can take hard work for us to send out branches and leaves, buds and blossoms. Sometimes growth is painful. It can be tempting for us to surrender and simply fall back to earth.

We get discouraged and start to doubt the value of growing and blooming. This is when we need to take some time to listen.

Many of us have felt like we were wasting time for many months. We feel frustrated and confined and confused. It is difficult for us to know what to do next. We are tired of waiting and eager to begin again.

Before we start taking steps and head off in a direction, we need to be prepared and ready. Some of us could use more time breathing in spiritual life.

Are We Ready to Begin Again?

We are not ready to begin again just because we are tired of waiting.

Getting ready to begin again is more than simply having everything we think we need to take with us.

Some of us need to practice listening to sacred stillness. We want to be open to and in tune with spiritual life.

Others of us might want to do a little more reading and reflecting. The world is filled with bright, shiny objects and we do not want to become distracted. We may need to learn the lessons of our last few steps before we begin again.

Each of us has our own lessons to learn and skills to practice. Sometimes we can develop practices on the way, and sometimes we need to take some time to rest and listen.

We can help each other, but we also need to grow and learn from our experiences.

The path stretches out before us. We begin again as we take our next step.

Is this a time when we need to stop and give up, and begin again tomorrow?

How will we begin again this morning?

Where are we ready to begin again this week?

[Image by cogdogblog]

Greg Richardson is a spiritual director in Southern California. He is a recovering assistant district attorney and associate university professor, and is a lay Oblate with New Camaldoli Hermitage near Big Sur, California. Greg’s website is and his email address is

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