July 25, 2020

Let me begin by noting that “the church” is not a grand cathedral. It is not even that tiny, cinder block structure, filled with folding metal chairs and a pulpit made of pine that Grandma was so faithful to, for all her days. The “church” can be anywhere, at any time. “For wherever two or three come together in honor of my name, I am right there with them!” – Matthew 18:20 (TPT) That word, “wherever” covers a lot of... Read more

July 18, 2020

I needed a break. I needed to step back and just BREATHE for a bit. So for those wondering why I haven’t written or posted anything in a few weeks, it all has to do with my mental exhaustion. It seems as if every other day, there is something new and horrible. In this age of Trumpism, it’s pretty much baked in. That being said, I’ve been fighting the good fight, sounding the alarm, doing my best to reach as... Read more

May 16, 2020

I think the first question that needs to be answered, as we consider reopening our economy, is what does a reopening look like? Do we just declare the Covid-19 threat null and void, tear down all the precautionary barriers in businesses and tell everybody to have at it? Do we take the measured approach, picking and choosing which businesses are now suddenly safe to open, as well as those that should say closed until further notice? One thing is for... Read more

May 5, 2020

Donald Trump has only served a single term, but it feels like a lifetime. That would be a lifetime of incompetence, ignorance, corruption, ugliness, indecency, and the self-absorbed arrogance that you can expect from any spoiled, entitled, thin-skinned narcissist. We need a break from this nightmare. With the nation reeling from the Covid-19 pandemic, we saw a glimmer of what it was to have a reasoned and compassionate leader speak. On Saturday, former President George W. Bush released a three... Read more

April 30, 2020

It’s happening. On Tuesday evening, Michigan Representative Justin Amash announced that he was forming an exploratory committee to seek the Libertarian Party nomination for the presidency. So what does that mean? It means he’s running for President of the United States in 2020. Yes, this seems late in the game. The Democrats have pretty much wrapped up their primary season, with former Vice President Joe Biden walking away with the nomination. That part was expected. Of course, the GOP has... Read more

April 25, 2020

Lysol colonics. The next big thing? I’m going to say that’s highly unlikely, but in these crazy, post-common sense days, never say never. There’s so much going on with the coronavirus pandemic. From sheltering in place to the shut down of businesses, it has become quite clear that we are in unprecedented days. It is equally clear that this has come upon us when we have the most unprepared, unqualified, and inept of political leaders to ever maintain occupancy in... Read more

April 20, 2020

I’m going to start this piece by dispelling a myth about myself, in order to approach a growing debate across our nation. Anyone with the vaguest familiarity with my work over the last four to five years knows I am vehemently opposed to Donald Trump and his presidency. I am aghast at how easily this incompetent charlatan overtook the party I once called my home. I based my objections to his candidacy on the simple principles of conservatism, driven by... Read more

April 4, 2020

Even in the midst of a global pandemic there is no end to Donald Trump’s petty, self-absorbed vindictiveness. Let us begin by noting, without question, that Trump has handled the Covid-19 outbreak with the same skill and savvy he exhibits in his business. This is where I remind everyone that he’s filed for bankruptcy at least five times and everything from Trump steaks to Trump vodka has proven to be a failure. If there is anyone less qualified to be... Read more

March 22, 2020

This is how our republic dies: Not by foreign invaders creeping onto our shores and over our borders in the dead of night. It doesn’t happen through an election where the other side wins. No, it happens when those in office no longer fear the will of our citizens. Cultish mindsets and tribal allegiances can allow dangerous autocrats to wreak havoc on the precarious balance of  liberty. Our freedoms are taken through tiny bites. Rarely does it happen all at... Read more

March 21, 2020

At the time of this writing, it seems as if the whole world is upside down. We are in the grips of a pandemic. The coronavirus – or Covid-19 – has forced us all to adjust our habits, as far as dining out, work, or social interactions, in general. Some experts are comparing it to the “Spanish flu” pandemic of 1918. That particular nightmare raged on from January 1918 to December 1920, infecting approximately 500 million people, with around 50,000,000... Read more

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