May 17, 2019

There were some softening on South Bend, Indiana mayor and Democratic presidential hopeful, Pete Buttigieg. He’s a moderate, they said. He’s a Christian, they said. Let’s forget how he openly lives a lifestyle that is in direct opposition of God’s Word on marriage, and that for the sake of politics, he’s also attacked, unwarranted, Vice President Mike Pence. Now, I’m no fan of VP Reek. I find him weak, and unnervingly subservient to Trump. That being said, my only issue... Read more

May 17, 2019

There’s a reason Donald Trump’s newest appointed lackey, Attorney General William Barr and his Justice Department are fighting and clawing to keep Congress from seeing the unredacted version of Robert Mueller’s final report on Russia (as well as the supporting evidence). No, it’s not simply because some of those redacted portions are still related to ongoing investigations. And no, it’s probably not because just before his confirmation, Barr worked for Alfa Bank, an organization inundated with Russian mob money and... Read more

May 15, 2019

Trade wars – easy to win, amirite? Yeah, about that… We know our president is ignorant to the effects of trade wars, is to the far left, when it comes to the reliable conservative standard of free trade, and as an oft-bankrupt, proven failure at business, no one should expect him to understand how trade or deficits work. The problem is, with that glaring lack of economic acumen, he’s still our president, and Republicans in Congress have no will to... Read more

May 14, 2019

This is what happens when sycophancy overrides anything resembling common sense or responsible governance. South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham is showing that he is not an honorable man. He is not a reliable friend of law and order. He is beholden to a central, authoritarian figure in Donald Trump, as well as the Trump family, and such allegiances do not mesh with a republic built for the people, by the people. I’ll go further and add that if Mr. Graham... Read more

May 13, 2019

We tried to tell them. Now we’re well within our rights to say, “WE TOLD YOU SO!” The “them” we’re addressing in this particular instance is the painfully gullible rubes who felt money donated through a GoFundMe page to a private citizen, promising to use the funds to begin building a wall on our southern border was actually a legit cause. Oh, they may have felt that it could happen, but for them to believe such, it would mean that... Read more

May 10, 2019

A host of Republican-led states have made the bold moves to appeal to their pro-life base, by passing bills aimed at curtailing the gutless, cold practice of abortion. Most commonly, there are the “heartbeat” bills, that would ban abortion after any point where a fetal heartbeat is detected, and the “born alive” bills, that would require medical treatment be given to any babies born after surviving an abortion attempt. Neither of these bills successfully dig up the ill-formed Roe v.... Read more

May 8, 2019

So Donald Trump’s former personal attorney and “fixer,” Michael Cohen has reported to begin his three year prison sentence for a series of offenses, some of them done in service to Trump. In a press conference, apologized for his wrongs, and suggested that he had more to tell, and that he looked forward to the day when he could reveal all he knows. Yes, we can look forward to another tell-all book on just how horrendous and corrupt Donald Trump... Read more

May 5, 2019

So what would you call this? Blind hope, or overwhelming idiocy? I know what I call it, and it ain’t hopeful. To set the scene: Since 2017, when Donald Trump first took office, we’ve all had a ringside seat to a man who has gone out of his way to alienate and drive away our international allies, while simultaneously courting our geopolitical foes. Given my evangelical foundation, this is where I always hear from someone touting the “bold” steps Trump... Read more

May 3, 2019

Donald Trump had a performance review with the boss, today. I’m kidding! Maybe. In a call that lasted over an hour, and was the first known communication since the end of the Russia probe, the president discussed a wide variety of topics with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Among topics discussed were the situation in Venezuela, North Korea, and “briefly” about the results of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report into possible conspiracy and obstruction by the Trump campaign team, as it... Read more

May 1, 2019

And we knew this. Here it is: Back in March, after special counsel Robert Mueller dropped his final report on Russia’s interference in the 2016 election into the hands of newly seated Attorney General William Barr, Barr rushed out a pathetically brief 4 page summary. That was 4 pages gleaned from a report that was over 400 pages in length. The gist of Barr’s “summary” was – No collusion, no obstruction. Move along. He was good enough to point out... Read more

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