The Kingdom of God is Like . . .

The Kingdom of God is Like . . . May 17, 2010

Beginning June 13, we’ll be examining some of Jesus’ “kingdom parables” in worship.  Jesus was forever comparing his idea of God’s hope for the world to things that filled the lives of the people with whom he lived and ministered.  As he invited folks to join him in creating God’s kingdom on earth he painted all sorts of pictures to illustrate God’s dreams for what could be . . . what would be.

We modern Christ-followers still struggle to understand an envision Jesus’ hopes for our lives and for our world, so we’re asking: what modern parables of God’s kingdom fill our everyday lives?

Caroline Armijo is creating a gallery installation and book of Calvary Kingdom Parables, filled with pictures taken by all of you!  We’ve collected them here, and we’d love your comments.  Please stop by the Flickr site and leave your comments . . . how does this depict the Kingdom of God to you?

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