Touching Down: A Tempest Comes Home

Touching Down: A Tempest Comes Home November 15, 2018

Photo by Carrie Meyer (The Leaky Cauldron)

Well, we did it! We survived the tour: 7 weeks on the road.  Over 42 separate events (workshops, performances, signings, festivals). At least 30 sigils crafted in workshops.

Definitely was exhausting, but that’s nothing in comparison to the amazing experiences we had all across the country.  We reconnected with beloved friends and family, met new ones, saw beautiful and incredible sights, shared drinks and meals with many folks, visited sacred places, and taught a lot of witchery along the way.

There’s really so much to say, and even more that I’m still contemplating, so it’s probably going to take a while to draw it all out.  I will most likely weave it out in sections or topics.  Here’s some that I am thinking of:

A Sigil to Defend Transfolx, crafted in Atlanta

I shared two of the sigils that were created on the road here – the ones pertaining to the election –as those were the most time-sensitive.  But I definitely plan on re-drawing and scanning in more of the sigils that were created in the workshops that I feel would benefit many more people. You can see the whiteboard snapshots from each workshop on my Instagram.

SO MANY BEAUTIFUL BEINGS! I smile every time I see these faces. 

So many people! We saw lots of family on this trip: my parents, brothers and their families, my aunt/godmother, my great aunt – as well as making a gathering with our tradition folks and so many other loved ones. I got to put real faces (and hugs) with many a tiny icon from FB, Instagram, and Twitter, and make deeper connections with people I already knew.  I visited shops and other communities all over the country – each with their own flair and feel – yet so many connecting threads that I think many people fail to see. I want to talk more about that too.

Draco at Hearth Sanctuary demanded a front row seat to the workshop

So when I asked folks what they wanted to hear about regarding the tour, the answer I got was “THE CATS!”.  So yes, there will be a post devoted to the many cats we encountered on the road.  Some of them make their home at the shops we visited, others own the people we stayed with.  More about that soon.

Return to Moab, Utah

On the last tour in June, I made it a point to stop at Mesa Verde in Colorado – land of the Cliff Dwellers. It was a childhood dream to visit. On this tour, I finally got to another major place on my list, as well as re-visiting some other special places too.  It was an exceptional joy to come back to these places with my beloved and supportive partner – washing away experiences of what I call my previous life.  Never quite enough time to see everything, but it was worth the time we took regardless.  I’ll expand on that with many photos and feelings.

While I was gone, The New Aradia shipped,  The Witch’s Altar became available, my art graced the cover of Witches & Pagans Magazine, and even more things than I can remember right now.  So I’ll try to touch base on those things too.

So this post was mainly a teaser of what’s to come – but I promise there will be a lot more soon.  Just wanted everyone to know we got home safely, and I’ve got a lot of things coming down the pipe for you.  Most especially I want to let folks know how much I APPRECIATE your support of my work.  I’m blown away by all of the great experiences we had, and I look forward to having more! THANK YOU!

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