The Gorgon’s Guide: Call for Submissions

The Gorgon’s Guide: Call for Submissions July 1, 2022

Call for Submissions for the Gorgon's Guide to Magical Resistance

We Are Aradia & Revelore Press announces: The Gorgon’s Guide to Magical Resistance (The New Aradia, Volume II)

In fall of 2018 – just ahead of the US mid-term elections — The New Aradia: A Witch’s Handbook to Magical Resistance was released in an effort to empower people with magical tools of resistance. Within its pages are sigils, spells, recipes, essays, invocations, rituals, and more, all gathered from experienced magical practitioners from around the world. It serves as a collection of ideas to teach, share, inspire, protect, and guide. This magical tome carried mundane weight too: sales of the New Aradia have raised over $3500 collectively to date for the Southern Poverty Law Center and Emily’s List’s legal action funds.

The Gorgon’s Guide follows in the footsteps of the first volume of New Aradia, digging deeper into magical work relevant to our times. Magical resistance happens both through physical means and metaphysical works – mind, body, and spirit. We seek not only to survive, but to thrive and craft new possibilities for tomorrow – for humanity, for the planet, for all. For this edition, we are especially centering the voices of queer, trans, and BIPOC practitioners and address issues affecting these and other intentionally exploited communities.

Why is this volume called Gorgon’s Guide?

Emerging from Greek mythology, the Gorgons are beings oft described as having snakes for hair, large eyes, scaly skin, boar-like teeth, claws for hands, and golden wings. They could petrify anyone who looked directly into their eyes. The number of Gorgons varies, but the most popular mythology describes the Gorgons as three sisters. Some say the Gorgons represent perversion in its three forms: Medusa (intellectual), Euryale (sexual), and Steno (moral). For centuries, witches have been said to be the perverse ones, upsetting the order of society.

But what if society NEEDS upsetting?

Right now, we are under attack: the truths of science and logic are being undermined; queer, trans, and reproductive rights are in grave danger; and the powers-that-be continue to turn a blind eye to climate change, environmental destruction, and basic human rights. If fighting against these violations is perverse, then Gorgons we shall be.

The kinds of contributions we are looking for include, but are not limited to:

·        spells (justice, protection, sovereignty, empowerment, banishing, balance, etc.)

·        recipes (oils, incense, tea, infusions, etc.)

·        meditations, invocations, focus guides

·        brief rituals (group or solitary)

·        essays (history, inspirational stories)

·        and more:  practical advice, resources, and other instructions that fit the theme

Where possible, the workings should be “timeless” – applying to situations, not specific named individuals or places. Maximum length for a submission is 1000 words, and no more than two black and white illustrations, unless absolutely required for the integrity of the work. No photography.

The book will be black and white, 5”x7”, and about 100 pages (same size and style as the first volume of New Aradia). This pocket-size book will house a collection of essential elements to help guide other witches and magical practitioners.

Think: simple, effective, relatively easy to follow.

Every purchase of this book will raise $2: one for a national and one for a local non-profit or mutual-aid organization committed to reproductive justice, rotating on a quarterly basis. The first two organizations are: Indigenous Women Rising ( and Holler Health Justice (

To get this project out ASAP ahead of the US Fall election, we have a strict deadline: All submissions must be received by July 26th, 2022.

How to participate:

1. Carefully proof and edit your work before sending. You may send up to three (3) works for consideration.

2. Send your work in ONE email with ONE attachment (paste your contributions into a single file).

3. Include: the name you wish to use for publication and a 100-word bio.

4. Most important: Use the email subject “Gorgon Submission”; or your contribution(s) may be missed.

5. Send to: gorgon at

We look forward to reading your work. Contributors will be notified as soon as possible, and no later than August 8th. Thank you!

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