Patheos Welcomes Kyle Cupp and Rebecca Frech!

Patheos Welcomes Kyle Cupp and Rebecca Frech! August 18, 2014

It is a rare thing for the Patheos Catholic Channel to announce the launch of two blogs at once, and we’re only doing it this time, and the next two times, in order to avoid announcing six new bloggers at once — and great scott, they all look so young! — which might cause distraction and a general feeling of being overwhelmed.

Call it, then, “The Week of Launching New Patheos Bloggers”. We take great pleasure in kicking it off thusly:

Kyle Cupp is a husband, a dad, and a freelance writer whose book, Living By Faith, Dwelling in Doubt: A Story of Belief, Uncertainty, and Boundless Love is a poignant and powerful read.

Aside from drinking copious amounts of coffee, Kyle has spent time, like our Sam Rocha, writing at Vox Nova, and you’ve likely read his work at The Daily Beast, Ordinary Times, and also, rather provocatively, at The Week.

At his self-titled blog, we expect that Cupp will prove provocative here at Patheos, as well. Already, he is asking some potent questions, like How Catholic is a Universal Basic Income?, and Will Pro-Choice Groups Stop Calling Abortion a Difficult Decision?

Yeah, you know firecrackers? Kyle Cupp is the fuse. Follow him at here at Twitter and there at Facebook, or subscribe to him over here.

If Cupp fuses the firecracker, the gunpowder that makes the thing go pop! might very well be Rebecca Frech, who brings us her wonderous, must-read blog Shoved to Them, and permits absorption of same into “the Patheos Blorg”.

Frech is the author of Teaching in Your Tiara: A Homeschooling Book for the rest of Us. She is one of those surprising bloggers who — when she is not tearing your hearts to bits or leaving you breathless with laughter — doesn’t mind being a bit of a political brawler, all while promising (or threatening) recipes. We’re all in awe. . .and slightly terrified.

Shoved to Them is, I believe, the channel’s first home-schooling, “mom-blog”, (or is she? and if you don’t know what that means, subscribe to her feed or follow Rebecca Frech on Facebook and Twitter.

So, Cupp and Frech begin our “week of six new bloggers”. I’m sorry, did I say “firecrackers”? I meant . . .


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