Since 1967, Israel has not won a single war.
50 years ago Israel barely survived the October ’73, Yom Kippur War.
Over the past five decades the only victors in the endless military operations, skirmishes, conflicts, bombings, rockets, missiles, suicide missions, hijackings, kidnappings, targeted assassinations and murders between Israel and Hamas, Hezbollah, and other terrorists, are the international public relations condemnation of Israel and snowballing global antisemitism.
For almost 30 years, Netanyahu has successfully brainwashed (most) Israelis into believing the only way to thrive financially and survive militarily is by keeping him in power.
His masterful manipulation through lies, illusions and broken promises results in the abusive control of Israel’s new recruits, young soldiers, border police and security services.
Overt or cleverly disguised, Netanyahu’s anti-Arab policies call to suppress, oppress, injure, spill the blood of Arab Israelis and shoot to kill Palestinians living in the West Bank. A genius at whipping up fear and anger, Bibi’s final solution is to cleanse East Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria of all Christians and Muslims.

But Bibi can’t take all the credit. Throughout the years he’s been supported by corrupt and greedy Orthodox and Haredi Rabbis, religious and secular right-wing politicians invested with convicts, jailbirds, criminals plus Mizrahi civilians, conservative Diaspora Jews, Messianic settlers and their fans.
In 2007, Las Vegas billionaires Dr Miriam and her husband, the late Sheldon Adelson founded Israel HaYom, a high octane, ‘praise Bibi’ daily give-away Israeli newspaper (available online in Hebrew and English).
If honesty is the best policy, Centrists must fess up. Today’s opposition leaders: Benny Gantz, Yair Lapid, Avigdor Lieberman, along with President Isaac Herzog have all, at some point in their political career sat in at least one Bibi Coalition.
The Fab Four along with Shikma Bressler who’s the face of the pro-democracy demonstrations, did not hesitate to support Bibi’s July 2023 Jenin Incursion (Diversion). For more information: Israel’s Democracy is Dying, Bibi Gleefully Dances Around the Open Grave
Flashback 1992 – 1995
“…He whose candle was snuffed out and was buried in the dust, bitter crying won’t wake him up and won’t bring him back…”

June 1992 Elections. Yitchak Rabin and the Labor Party running on a Peace Platform win 44 seats. Left wing Meretz under the leadership of Shulamit Aloni joins Rabin with their 12 seats. Wikipedia Bio, Shulamit Aloni
Shas, the orthodox, conservative Mizrahi party led by Aryeh Deri also joins the new coalition. However, Deri will soon be forced to resign when indicted on a variety of financial crimes including bribery. Three Decades of Deri’s Crimes
With Deri’s resignation, Shas leaves the government.
Fortunately, Rabin’s coalition doesn’t fall apart when three breakaway centrist politicians fill the gap. And finally, although not official coalition members, two Arab parties, Hadash and Arab Democratic support Rabin’s vision for a two-state solution.
Bibi’s Anti-Peace Campaign. Month after month, the rising star of the right-wing Likud Party, Bibi leads a nationwide campaign against peace. His never-ending attacks personally target Yitzchak Rabin.
Posters and flyers appear in Bibi lead demonstrations with Rabin dressed in an SS Nazi uniform and dressed as an Arab terrorist with his head wrapped in a keffiyeh.
Volatile anti-peace demonstrators wave posters of Rabin’s face in the crosshairs of a gun sight.
Bibi will lead a mock funeral with supporters carrying a black coffin with the words Oslo and Rabin inscribed on it. PBS Frontline – Bibi’s Hands Are Stained
The outrageous, unsettling attacks against a decorated general, Israeli politician and current prime minister is unprecedented.
Enflaming passions that are leaning towards violence, members of his own political party ask Bibi to personally tone down and control his followers.
Bibi smirks. In his warped sense of glory, Bibi refuses. Bibi’s Disingenuous Attack On The Soul of Israel
November 4th, 1995 Tel Aviv Peace Rally. In a show of support for Rabin and to counteract Bibi’s vicious campaign, thousands upon thousands of Israelis attend a huge, invigorating peace demonstration.
After Rabin’s eloquent speech, YouTube Rabin’s Last Speech English Subtitles everyone sings Shir HaShalom (Song of Peace).
The crowd continues to roar, sing and dance in delightful celebration.
Leaving the stage, Rabin folds the printed lyrics of Shir HaShalom and tucks the paper into his jacket pocket.
Surrounded by security guards, he’s ushered to his car.
Captured on video, a young religious Mizrahi pro-Bibi, anti-peace radical Jewish Israeli terrorist approaches from behind and shoots Rabin three times in the back.
The Prime Minster is rushed to hospital.
Trapped in a nightmare, Israel will soon be informed that Yitzchak Rabin is dead. And so is the dream of peace. President Clinton Reaction
“…So just sing a song for peace don’t whisper a prayer, just sing a song for peace and shout out loud…”
Until Israel demands Netanyahu acknowledge his moral culpability and be held accountable for his reprehensible incitement that directly led to the murder of Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin and the peace process…
“…Lift your eyes with hope not through the rifles’ sights, sing a song for love and not for wars…”
Until Rabbinical authorities come clean and apologize for their complicity in the demise of the two-state solution and Rabin’s death by labeling him a traitor, terrorist and murderer then issuing and publishing the pulsa de’nura Kaballah curse…
“…Don’t say the day will come, bring on that day because it is not a dream and in all the city’s squares cheer only for peace!”
And until the Leaders and Believers in the Pro-Democracy grassroots movement wake up, accept the fact there is no democracy with occupation and return to Rabin’s vision of a two-state solution, Israel will not survive…not as a democracy, not as a theocracy, not as a dictatorship.
Old Testament Prophets waking up from their slumber ask each other, “How many times must Israel repeat its history of choosing war over peace? And how many more times will God have to punish the ‘stiff-necked’ people of Israel for their stubborn arrogance, condescending hate, and addiction to self-destruction?”
(English translation from ‘Shir HaShalom.’ Hebrew lyrics by Yaacov Rotblit, music by Yair Rosenbaum 1969). Link to the YouTube original 1969 recording featuring Miri Aloni the Nahal Army Band and Chorus, with English subtitles and Hebrew transliteration. Shir HaShalom Original Recording English Subtitles
The Huwara Pogrom – Brought to you by Bibi’s Coalition

In the West Bank, not far from the Palestinian city of Nablus is the town of Huwara.
Because it’s one of the very few Palestinian villages Israelis drive through to reach settlements in the northern West Bank, it’s a hot spot.
It’s been a hot spot for years.
In February, Israeli politicians, security, and military officials know and acknowledge tensions are at the breaking point due to the recent increase in Israel Defense Forces (IDF) nightly raids, harassment against Palestinians and terrorist activity.
On February 26th, Palestinian gunmen kill two brothers – Hallel (21) and Yagel Yaniv (19). They were residents of Har Bracha a nearby religious settlement that was originally established as a pioneering military outpost created by confiscating private land from three Palestinian villages. After the area was demilitarized, by 1983 it was turned over to civilian residents. Har Bracha, Wikipedia

To avenge the deaths of the two brothers, angry settlers call for mass demonstrations.
Referred to as the Huwara Pogrom, dozens and dozens of settlers rampage through the town killing one Palestinian civilian man, 21-year-old Abdulkarim Badie Sheikh, and injuring at least 100 Palestinian civilians.
The settlers target, torch and destroy hundreds of cars, private homes, shops, and businesses. Settlers Torch Palestinian Stores
Three main Israeli Security Services, Shin-Bet, IDF and Border Police seemingly vanish.
Eyewitnesses report watching Israeli Soldiers and Police enable and escort settlers into Huwara and neighboring Palestinian towns.
A massive amount of videos and photos clearly confirm these reports. B’Tselem Report
On June 15th, CNN released a scathing expose on the horrors of the pogrom and the extent of the damage. CNN REPORT, HUWARA POGROM
“We expect the Israeli government to ensure full accountability and legal prosecution of those responsible for these attacks in addition to compensation for the loss of homes and property.” Ned Price, U.S. State Department.
- 17 settlers are eventually arrested
- All settlers are released in just a few days
- To date, no Israeli civilian or soldier has been prosecuted
- It’s official – Israel security forces are unable (unwilling) to find anyone responsible for these crimes
- Israel remains silent concerning compensation for Palestinian victims of the pogrom

“Wipe Huwara off the map”
Bezalel Smotrich, a far-right, Religious Zionist, self-proclaimed fascistic racist and proud homophobe is Netanyahu’s golden boy. He’s also Bibi’s Finance Minister and a minister in the Defense Ministry in charge of all civilian West Bank Affairs.
Smotrich’s remark, “Wipe Huwara off the map” sparks an international diplomatic crisis.
- Does Smotrich’s comment represent an official statement on behalf of Netanyahu’s Coalition?
- Is this a definitive threat as a Minister in the Defense Ministry in charge of West Bank Civilian Affairs?
- Frantic opposition leaders wonder if he actually has the authority to destroy a Palestinian village.
Ned Price, State Department spokesman calls Smotrich’s remark, “irresponsible, repugnant and disgusting.”
Smotrich is forced to apologize to the impotent international outraged community.
He excuses his behavior by saying, “It is possible that it wasn’t the right choice of words.” He arrogantly claimed, “It was a slip of the tongue in a torrent of emotion.”
Smotrich also attacks the media complaining they manipulated his words and have ‘demonized’ him.
Ned Price, fuming at Smotrich’s racist, anti-Arab remarks, demands Netanyahu must publicly disavow Smotrich’s comments.
Smooth and clever, Bibi labels Smotrich’s comments as ‘inappropriate.” That’s as far as he will go since Bibi actually supports Smotrich’s sentiment. From AP Bibi, US & Smotrich’s Remarks
Youth Against Dictatorship – Students Grab Rabin’s Mantle
On August 28th, “Youth Against Dictatorship” came out of the closet.
200 students in their senior year at Tel Aviv’s Herzliya Hebrew Gymnasium have signed a joint letter refusing to be conscripted into the army. They are protesting the judicial overhaul and the military which serves and protects settlers while enforcing the occupation.
Leaders of the Youth Against Dictatorship announce that starting September 3rd (first day of the new school year) alternative classes will be held on the lawn focusing on resistance and democracy.
Featured speakers will address human rights, women’s rights, gay, lesbian and trans rights. Representatives of organizations that document (the alleged) crimes against Palestinians will also participate.

As a veteran of the Israeli army, I stand with these amazingly bold and brave teenagers. May their parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, friends, neighbors, teachers and fellow students support them.
Let’s hope these students are the catalyst to wake up the hundreds of thousands of pro-democracy protesters and leaders who are ambivalent about or support the occupation.
It’s no secret most reservists against the judicial overhaul are primarily concerned with potentially being exposed to international prosecution for war crimes. And it’s no secret opposition leaders disagree with military personnel refusing to serve.
Let us hope the students wake up politicians and remind them there is no democracy with occupation.
to be continued…