June 11, 2012

… Le sigh.

Follow them on Facebook.

May 7, 2012

… To celebrate I intend to stalk them on Facebook. Or maybe I’ll just make a “Can’t hug all the Swiss Guards” video instead.

More: Los guardias suizos del Papa estrenan web, fan page en Facebook y canal en YouTube; Pope to Swiss Guards- The Secret of Your Work in the Vatican is Constant Reference to Christ; Pope Meets With Swiss Guard.

April 16, 2011

… I’m going to Rome!

I woke up this morning and my email, facebook and twitter account was on fire. What’s this… I was chosen as one of the 150 bloggers to attend the Vatican Blognic! Never in a million years did I actually dare to presume I would be chosen. I can only guess it is due the readers who contacted them and suggested I attend. For those emails I am humbly grateful.

Now begins the work. The event is May 1st, in two weeks. That’s a lot of planning in a very short amount of time. The biggest obstacle is the financing. Believe me, I dislike doing it, but I am going to resurrect the paypal donation button. If you can make a small donation, even a buck or two, I would be supremely grateful.

Also, help me spread the word. Link to this post on your blogs and tell your friends, “I know a cute little Catholic who needs our help”. We are strong and supportive community of Catholic bloggers and Rome has taken notice. This is wonderful opportunity for us all.

Lastly, I am hoping my parish can also help me and I am going to be reaching out to some various contacts I have in local and Catholic media.

Please, above all, I ask for your prayers. I want to make this trip but I want to make it with the right spirit and heart. Pray for me to maintain humility regardless of the outcome. I understand it is likely I may not raise enough funds to get there. And if I do, I certainly don’t want to loose my wits about me and become arrogant about the whole ordeal.

I am honored to be chosen.

Be on guard, boys.

July 21, 2010

… being molto bello!

Grazie mille, Gretchen.

May 6, 2010

… small enough to smuggle back with you in your luggage.

May 28, 2015

… Look. I’m writing about something that has nothing to do with dieting. Be amazed.

So here’s a happy story about a woman who prayed to St. Ann and got herself a man. Not just any man…

a Swiss Guard.

You want to call me obsessive about anything, call me obsessive about the Guardia Svizzera Pontificia. Sigh. So molto bello.

What’s not to love? Handsome, single, manly, and Catholic.

I’m happy for the soon-to-bride. No, really I am. I love that you all have sent me links about this news story. So. Many. Links. And look, she prayed to St. Ann, just like me. And it worked for her. That’s fantastic. So wonderful. What a beautiful story.

Can’t you see I’m brimming with absolute joy.


February 26, 2015

… Willy Herteleer went to mass every day for twenty five years straight. He was well know among local clergy and the Swiss Guard. He was regarded as happy and friendly, a man of rich faith who enjoyed chatting with pilgrims about confession and the Eucharist, which he called his “medicine.”

When he died he was given a funeral mass and buried in the Vatican cemetery established for Flemish and German nobility.

Willy Herteleer was not nobility. Not in the earthly sense. He was a homeless man.

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — A homeless man who faithfully attended Mass at a church inside Vatican City for decades was buried in a Vatican cemetery after it was discovered he had died and was left unidentified in a hospital morgue. [Read more]

An old Beggar by David Teniers II (undated)

If ever there exists people who can claim to feel abandoned by God, it’s the homeless. I struggle daily to fight back bitterness at my poverty, poverty that is really wealth in comparison to homelessness.

And yet there he was, for twenty five years, faithfully attending mass and making sure we took our medicine.

Requiescat in pace, Willy Herteleer.

May 19, 2014

… Archbishop Georg Gänswein and the Swiss Guard.

April 3, 2014

… Via Fr. Z,

Vatican introduces new security measure in St Peter’s Square.

Vatican officials today are introducing a new measure to keep St Peter’s Square clear of marauding birds. A team in the Swiss Guards has been assigned the task of supervising a Sharris Hawk, [sic – should read Harris’s Hawk] which will be brought out during the Weekly Audiences and the Angelus – on Wednesdays and Sundays.

You know, to protect them from all those viscous crow and seagull aerial attacks.

Meet the Vatican’s new falconer…

Blue Steel optional, hawk required.

And now for some gratuitous Swiss Guard.


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