Code of conduct for prophets launched in reaction to Trump’s defeat

Code of conduct for prophets launched in reaction to Trump’s defeat May 6, 2021

A ‘PROPHETIC Standards Statement’ set up by a bunch of conservative Christian leaders in the US has ruffled feathers among the many pastors who wrongly prophesied that Trump would win the 2020 election.

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One of those who attacked the Statement is all-round crackpot, QAnon conspiracy theorist and dominionist prophet Johnny Enlow, above, who wrote on Facebook:

Enough months have gone by since the election of 11/3/2020 that it is worth revisiting some important truth. There is actually no ‘waiting to see’ if the prophets were right who prophesied DJT winning the election. It happened. It happened BIGLY. By late night on the 3rd of November, it was all but announced that DJT had comfortably won the election. Prophesy fulfilled.

One can see why the likes of Los Angeles-based Enlow are less than enchanted with the Statement, which suggests that “prophetic words” should be subjected to “evaluation”, before and after they are uttered.

How this will be done in not made clear, but:

Those claiming to speak for God should welcome the godly evaluation of their prophecies.

If I were making a living as a prophet I’d be demanding to know how a “Godly Prophesy Evaluation Board” (or committee or “star chamber”) would work. Who would be chosen to judge the veracity of the words of the prophets? How will “false prophets” be teased out from “genuine” ones? Will prophets have to sit exams to be accredited? Will a National Union or Guild of Prophets be set up? And what’s the collective noun for prophets?

Answers in the comments section, please.

Anyhow South African-born Enlow – father of  daughters Promise, Justice, Grace, and Glory – is not concerned with such issues, and vehemently opposes the Statement and the controls it proposes. He claims that the Statement has no validity and should be ignored by prophets because it was spawned by a demonic acceptance that DJT had lost the election.

DJT was called and anointed by God to lead our nation and the world into a new era. Most of the above-mentioned ‘leadership group’ at one time believed some version of that reality. Now apparently, if a theft is outrageous and thorough enough, you must bow to that reality and actually congratulate and then even pray for this thief-in-chief.

There’s a lot more in the Statement that would have had Enlow spitting tacks, this in particular:

We recognise the unique challenges posed by the Internet and social media, as anyone claiming to be a prophet can release a word to the general public without any accountability or even responsibility.

While it is not possible to stop the flood of such words online, we urge all believers to check the lives and fruit of those they follow online and also see if they are part of a local church body and have true accountability for their public ministries and personal lives.

We also urge prophetic ministers posting unfiltered and untested words purportedly from the Lord to first submit those words to peer leaders for evaluation.

Johnny Enlow would fail such scrutiny – BIGLY!  Just hop across to the Enlow entries in Right Wing Watch to get the full measure of this screwball.

The Statement has a list of three”rejections” – all of which will have given Enlow a fit of the vapours too:

• We reject any threatening words from prophets today, warning their followers that judgment will fall on them if they fail to obey the prophet’s words. We see this as a dangerous form of spiritual manipulation.

• We reject  the spiritual manipulation of the prophetic gift for the personal benefit of the prophet or of his or her ministry, whether to garner favor, power, or financial gain. And under no circumstances can a prophet charge money to deliver a prophetic word. This is spiritual abuse of the worst kind and is detestable in God’s sight (Enlow’s Restore7 ministry wants your cash. “Your trust and generosity means so much to us and we promise to steward well over whatever amount you donate.”)

• We reject the notion that a contemporary prophetic word is on the same level of inspiration or authority as Scripture or that God always speaks inerrantly through prophets today, since the Bible says we only know in part and prophesy in part (1 Cor. 13:9). It is the written Word alone that can lay claim to being ‘the Word of God’ (2 Tim. 3:16); prophecies, at best, are ‘a word from the Lord,’ to be tested by the Word of God.

Image via YouTube

Enlow prophesied in February that Trump will not only regain the White House, but America will experience a “mini Trump dynasty” because “at least two more Trumps” will be elected to office. He claimed that God’s declaration of Trump’s victory has been confirmed by someone who knows exactly what’s going on in the ineffable mind of The Old Codger Upstairs – Mike Lindell aka “Mr Pillow Man”, above.

Mr. Pillow man has 100% percent proof of the national election steal –  though the results will have to be searched for because the thieves have cohorts in big tech platforms trying to suppress the truth. It is yet another proof the prophets who prophesied DJT would win were not wrong.

In February, Enlow issued “An Apostolic Rebuke and Entreaty For Those Blaming The Prophets“.

“Messianic communicator” Ron Cantor addressed its thus:

Enlow points out that there was universal prophetic agreement on Trump’s reelection. Now, though, we are learning what many of us had assumed for months. Many of the prophets who have repented have admitted that they had more of a prophetic sense/inkling, and not a word from God. When they saw all the other prophets prophesying, they jumped on the prophetic bandwagon.

For the record the Statement has been so far been signed by almost 100 people.

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