What on Earth Are You Doing?

What on Earth Are You Doing? March 17, 2016

Every Christian is called to ministry. No, not vocational, churchy, preaching ministry. But every Christian has been gifted by God’s Spirit for ministry—for serving others and advancing God’s kingdom on earth. That’s our primary vocation. All of us. Whether you’re training to be a doctor, lawyer, teacher, garbage collector, bartender, business owner, or botanist, your primary vocation—if you’re a Christian—is to be a disciple of Jesus who makes disciples for Jesus. God didn’t put you on earth to spend most of your time working a “seculaVocation - CTL v.2r” job to earn a lot of money and hopefully have some time left over to attend church (and maybe a Bible study). There’s no such thing as a “secular” job. Every job is sacred, because all creation is sacred. The entire planet, and all of its vocations, screams out “the Lord Jesus reigns!”

Why is it, then, that many Christians spend 4 or 6 or 8 years preparing for their secondary vocation, and spend little time preparing for their primary vocation? If our primary vocation is to follow Jesus into every fabric of creation and make disciples of all nations, then why are so few of our educational hours devoted to training for our primary vocation?

For instance, 84% of Christians say they’ve never learned what being a Christian means for their career, even though they spend half of their waking hours at work. Only 11% of Christians say they feel adequately prepared to be faithful disciples as they enter college.

This is a massive problem, which is why Eternity Bible College has developed a 9 month “Certificate in Transformational Leadership.” It’s sort of a “gap year” program geared towards people who don’t want to go into vocational ministry. It’s tailor made for Christian entrepreneurs and artists, baristas and bartenders, nurses and neurosurgeons—anyone who wants to take their faith seriously, and take it into their vocation.

In our Certificate for Transformational Leadership, not only will students take courses in Bible Study Methods, Old Testament Survey, and New Testament Survey, but they will also learn how to integrate the gospel into all areas of life through classes such as Christianity and the Arts, Gospel and Culture, and A Theology of Work.

Integration. That’s what it’s all about. We need to integrate the gospel into every fabric of our life—and vocation.

So come to Eternity Bible College for 9 months. We won’t teach you how to preach or tell you to become an overseas missionary. (Well, we can do that too, if you want.) We’ll teach you how to be a Christian, and how your Christian faith affects everything you do. At home. In the office. On the ball-field. In the studio. Everywhere that our Lord Jesus reigns.

Come for 9 months. Then go and conquer the world.

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