Logos 7 is Here! Time to Nerd Out a Bit!

Logos 7 is Here! Time to Nerd Out a Bit! August 25, 2016

Entering the Historical World of the Scriptures Tools

Not only do the sermon editor and concordance resources save tons of time and, well, make a preacher looks pretty sharp, but the tools that allow you to dig into the broader biblical and historical context are pretty amazing. Continuing work on my current sermon, here is what happens when I look up the allusions to the Hebrew Scriptures from Revelation 5. With a couple of clicks, I discover that the throne imagery is also present in the apocryphal book of of Sirach!

Sirach in Revelation, logos, kurt willems

I’m not sure if you are with me, but as an anabaptist pastor, I love the chance to quote me some apocrypha once in awhile. And while I’m not expert on those sorts of texts, Logos was an expert for me!

Final Thoughts

I really dig Logos Bible Software. I’m impressed with Logos 7, as you can tell. It does take some learning to be able to truly utilize all the features, but even the basic features (requiring no training at all), are worth their research weight in gold. Of every digital resource, this is the first one I point pastors, theologians, scholars, and arm-chair thinkers to.

And hey, my physical library–aka the garage–is an unorganized mess. I love those books, but they aren’t always as helpful as a well indexed Logos resource. This software will take a decent investment (they offer installment plans to help!), but if you can swing it, it is worth it! I highly recommend Logos 7 and look forward to learning more about the functions therewithin! If you want to get a discount on it, click over to my affiliate page for details.

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