November 22, 2019

  ***Content Warning: Child Loss***   This spring, I spent way too much time with most of my family, all of us huddled together between churches and funeral homes, helping plan funerals and memorials. I am not surprised that we had family drama. I would have been more surprised if we hadn’t.  But one of the moments that surprised and hurt the most came when we were writing an obituary. The funeral home director paused, reading through the list of... Read more

November 11, 2019

Two days ago I celebrated my 25th birthday. To mark this important milestone, I finally got my first ever tattoo. I call it the Crone Tree. I love the wisdom in its twisted bark. I want to discuss with you tattoos and their significance. Mine has a lot, and I always love tattoos more when there are stories and symbolism behind them. So, for me, I started wanting to get a tattoo a few years ago.  So, before I explain... Read more

November 9, 2019

   Back in 2014 when artist Kesha Rose Serbert (known as Kesha)  entered rehab, I wanted to let her know that I was praying and rooting for her, so I wrote her a letter.  In the letter, I quoted Bob Dylan (she’s a major fan of his), told her that things were going to get better, and ended by telling her that she needed to live in the light. Did she receive my letter? I don’t know; I like to... Read more

October 18, 2019

A few months ago (perhaps in July) I stumbled upon a reflection on God as mother. It was powerful, moving, compelling. It spoke of the divine feminine and it was truly gorgeous. It made me want to believe in God again in a way not much has this past year. I shared the reflection into a facebook group a good friend of mine created to share artwork that moves us. This piece had moved me, and I knew the members... Read more

July 21, 2019

It is the apparently tenuous question so much of the debate with the sex abuse scandals surrounds: Do victims matter? I was just informed by the host of a popular podcast for Catholic women that we in fact don’t; at least, we don’t when it’s uncomfortable and inconvenient for other Catholics. I have followed this podcast for at least a year and was a subscriber on its email list. Yesterday morning, an email in my inbox from the podcast described... Read more

July 9, 2019

I don’t usually write when I’m this angry. Healthy ways of dealing with anger is something I’m working on in therapy. But you know what? I don’t give a flying fuck right now because if I don’t write this down now, I’m going to be raging the rest of the day. Not good for my home life and not good for my blood pressure. Oh, and if you didn’t realize that fucks fly, you’re probably too sensitive for this article.... Read more

July 7, 2019

  Welcome to Strange Enchantments. Our brief moments together tonight are devoted to the spells we weave with the truths we tell. Each of us tonight has lived our lives on the margins in one way or another. Our stories make the proper people surrounding us uncomfortable. So they’ve taught us to keep those stories silent, hidden deep inside, and we’ve learned those lessons well. We must not make others uncomfortable. Tonight, I’m finished with those lessons. Tonight I welcome... Read more

June 23, 2019

You were presented in the beginning As pristine, unblemished, pure one We were instructed so by your disciples And yet we missed the view of your cunning   Your cruelty and shackles Which you placed upon my darling Dear ones. Their only desire was a bosom And a home. We missed your hackles that revealed your true nature Your hunger for blood and sacrifice That was unjustified in the noonday sun When these poor ones searched for water   This... Read more

June 18, 2019

  Paying Prolife Protesters Back in August (or perhaps even earlier) I started to see in some Franciscan University student and alumni groups that a classmate and former acquaintance of mine, Ella Witt, had been hired by a prolife organization called the Susan B. Anthony List. She began posting in those groups, announcing that the organization was paying money to people who would attend their protests, usually offering $100-$150 dollars to each protester, transportation to the protests, and a provided... Read more

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