July 3, 2022

I treasure life and think the female role of being the bearer of the future of humanity is a position of unbelievable privilege. Note: see the first part of this post: Women Who Abort Are Murderers: Lock Them Up. So, should we label women who undergo abortions as murderers and properly prosecute them? This is the sad but logical conclusion of the anti-abortion stance that any product of conception, even in the earliest zygote stage, is fully human and should... Read more

July 3, 2022

Let’s handle this situation with real justice: if abortion is murder, then women who abort are murderers. In the civilized world, murders must be punished. In other words, lock them up. The rationale behind the anti-abortion movement states that from the moment of fertilization, the zygote is a person, independent of the gestating woman, and thus endowed with all the rights that come with personhood. Part of me wants to quibble with this definition since obviously no zygote/embryo/fetus can develop... Read more

March 12, 2022

And I wonder: how many women and children and young men and aging parents will face slaughter in their fight for freedom in Ukraine before even China says, “Enough already.” My sleep, since the beginning of the Putin invasion of Ukraine, stays troubled and interrupted. Today, after awakening at 3 am, I finally gave up at 4:00. With the light from my phone, I wander into the dark kitchen and turn on the oven to 500 degrees in preparation for... Read more

March 2, 2022

My thoughts on Ukraine Day Seven: “You arrogant ass. You’ve killed us.” I keep thinking of this scene near the end of the fascinating movie, “The Hunt For Red October” made off the book written by Tom Clancy. It’s one of my favorite movies ever, and the scene above has stayed with me. The captain of the Russian pursuit submarine is sure he’s got the renegade Red October, with plans to defect, set for the kill. But canny moves by... Read more

March 1, 2022

On this Ukraine Day Six, I stay glued to news feeds. I awaken early to see, “Are Kharkiv and Lviv still standing?” I read of women, children, and the elderly necessarily fleeing Ukraine while others, many of whom know zero about fighting wars, make their way back to do whatever they can to stand for freedom. And what do too many “Christian” people here in the US do? They cheer on Putin because they think this is the next big... Read more

February 28, 2022

As the world knows, Ukraine was invaded on Thursday, Feb. 24, as Russia made the move to topple its young and somewhat fragile democracy and install a Russian puppet government loyal to Vladimir Putin. I can no longer pray, only beg.   Everyone expected Ukraine to fall quickly, likely within 24 hours, 48 at the most. Now, more than a hundred hours in, Ukraine has, by virtue of guts and grit and the amazing leadership shown by their young and... Read more

January 9, 2022

My idealist vision of the hope of life after death? We acknowledge and act on the reality that the prophetic word of God emerges more from the uncomfortably marginalized than from the comfortably centered. After a recent frost laid waste to a fair number of plants, I began the necessary clean-up. As I ripped up and discarded, my thoughts, as they almost always do when I am on my knees working in the dirt, turned to the nature of the... Read more

October 14, 2021

Abortion in Texas: SB-8 is an immoral law that encourages spying into the most intimate actions of another for financial gain. Time for clergy to speak out against it. This law targets girls as well as women I do not think it is fair to categorize as unthinking or downright cruel all of those who feel that embryos and fetuses have the same right to life as females. They simply don’t want abortions. I understand that. I sympathize with the... Read more

July 31, 2021

Am I woke? Well, I do know this much: Any pronouncement diminishing the need to be woke, i.e., be aware and actively seeking to deal with the “isms” embedded in the system, by any person or institution holding power where increased wokeness will lead to a decrease in that power must automatically be suspect. Am I woke? Well, I was awakened at 4 am this morning by my dog, Remy, climbing on top of me, his signal for “let me... Read more

July 6, 2021

And so here I sit, considering our cracked world with the tea in my cracked cup long-grown cold.  I breathe my prayers, find my balance, and re-affirm my determination to live with integrity and generosity. Daily, I choose the same cup for my morning pot of English Breakfast tea. It is always the one with the chip around the edge. I do so to remind myself that, just as is this cup, I, too am a cracked vessel, one that... Read more

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