Sharing My Vocation as an Autistic Priest on the Radio

Sharing My Vocation as an Autistic Priest on the Radio January 10, 2020

I’ve done a few different media appearances talking about my vocation and autism. I recorded one in Madison just before Christmas that played on their local Relevant Radio station. The radio spot is done by Bishop Donald Hying and Deacon Jim Hoegemeier, who invited me on. I hope explaining my discovery of my vocation and later of autism will help others like you embrace their own vocations, including whatever disabilities you may have. I think we all have something to contribute and I hope that coming from an autistic perspective I can help fellow autistics.

The video below starts about 1 minute as Deacon is introducing me as the guest. It is audio-only with the selfie I took in the studio as a constant image.

Now let’s each go live our vocation.

Note: Please support me on Patreon so I can make more material like this. My community relies on donations.

Bishop Hying, Deacon Jim Hoegemeier, a young woman who works in disability ministry their with her fiancee and myself in the studio recording this segment
Bishop Hying, Deacon Jim Hoegemeier, a young woman who works in disability ministry their with her fiancee and me in the studio recording this segment (own work, rights reserved)

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