December 17, 2021

I posted a piece on another vaccine over on For the last year, the main two COVID vaccines in the USA have been Pfizer and Moderna. Now, Bharat Biotech and Ocugen have applied for approval of their Covaxin vaccine by the FDA. Covaxin got emergency use authorization from the WHO in early November 2021.  Pfizer and Moderna have a remote connection to abortion via testing on fetal cell lines, but Covaxin has no connection in production, development, or testing. On top... Read more

December 10, 2021

In response to people freaking out about Pope Francis, I examined what Aquinas said: This week, Pope Francis noted that sexual sins or sins of the flesh are not the worst kind of sins during an interview on a plane. There have been three mistaken reactions to this. First, many secular sources assumed he meant these didn’t matter. This is obviously false. Sexual sins are often mortal sins so are serious and can result in someone being unable to go... Read more

December 7, 2021

Much of the Catholic discussion around the ethics of vaccines has focused on the remote connection with abortion. There has been an implicit assumption that all testing on HEK-293 is unethical. But as not all remote cooperation with evil is immoral. Thus, we need to ask if the tests Moderna and Pfizer did on HEK-293 were immoral on the part of the companies & scientists. I don’t think there is a clear definitive answer but I will give principles to... Read more

October 19, 2021

In Spring 2021, I recorded an interview with Sr. Josephine Garrett, CSFN, primarily for the families at the school where she ministers on helping kids with learning differences at home and at school. Now a few months later, she has turned this into a podcast. I figure some of you might be interested so I’m sharing it here. I hope this helps parents with autistic children or other neurodivergent children. It should also help teachers and staff at Catholic schools.... Read more

October 15, 2021

Recently, it’s been in the news that the Archdiocese of Cincinnati is starting a program to reduce the number of parishes. I wanted to share a little about what I saw working in the area about a decade ago, but it got just too long for a tweet or Facebook post. Cincinnati’s Announcement The Pillar Reports: The Archdiocese of Cincinnati announced on Friday a restructuring initiative that could eventually close 70% of archdiocesan parishes. The process will begin by clustering... Read more

October 14, 2021

Despite claims to the contrary from some circles, the Church has never taught that medicine being tested on fetal cell lines is a significant enough moral issue to skip that medicine. I wrote this up in a semi-academic piece that covers a lot of details but I want to offer a summary for readers here. The Church has clearly taught in her ordinary magisterium that one may reject a vaccine grown on fetal cell lines, but in so doing, she... Read more

October 5, 2021

I think a little timeline is helpful to understand how my post on how almost every medicine was tested on HEK-293 changed the argument. You can’t argue that based on your standard now, the standard I applied in January 2020 is inaccurate. I was applying the standard Catholics who are against getting COVID vaccines were using at that moment. After this article, those Catholics objecting based on this principle changed their argument from any link to a very circumscribed link... Read more

October 4, 2021

I’ve done a bunch of podcasts on being autistic or how the Church can reach out to autistics. I recently spoke with John Aidan Byrne on his podcast Dig Life Deep! Most of the stuff about autism was pretty similar to other podcasts but we talked a little more about my family and my background in the Legion. John Aidan Byrne is a journalist who is originally from Ireland but lives in the USA. His podcast covers a mix of Catholic... Read more

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