Are You RedState? BlueState? Your TV will tell

Are You RedState? BlueState? Your TV will tell September 4, 2012

If you already have your Obama 2012 placard in your yard and only wish he’d fought the Republicans more, chances are you’re watching a different television show than your neighbor with the Romney/Ryan poster and “We Built This” T-shirt, according to a new study.

Experian Marketing Services has released a study showing what shows to target to reach certain political demographics.

Super Democrats, as the study labels them, will likely be tuning into Jon Stewart’s Daily Show on Comedy Central while their Ultra Conservative counterparts are watching ESPN’s College Football Regular Season.

The Super Democrats go for ironic comedy (30 Rock, Modern Family, Saturday Night Live) and intense, explicit cable dramas (Game of Thrones, Mad Men, Shameless). They eschew sports, with the puzzling exception of hockey.

Across town, or maybe off in the suburbs, Ultra Conservatives watch mostly reality (Antiques Roadshow, Undercover Bosses, Dancing with the Stars), sports (football reigning) and crime procedurals (NCIS, Hawaii 5-O).

The study classified less firmly partisan people as “Mild Republicans” and “On the Fence Liberals.” Their viewing habits skewed younger and more eclectic, with the gunsmith reality show Sons of Guns high on the list for Mild Republicans and lots of comedy on the playbill for On the Fence Liberals.

The study fits in with my Theory of The Thinking of Blue State versus Red State People that Explains Everything. (The Theory has a long title.)

Mostly Democrat, mostly urban, Blue State people like thorny, complicated motives and suffer from an addiction to irony and allergy to corniness. Mostly Republican, more suburban, more religious Red State people like clear cut moral universes and react negatively to irony.

Two types of seeing the world, reflected in the movies we watch, the books we read (or don’t read) and the TV shows we watch.

Contrast this to decades ago, when most of America watched The Cosby Show or Cheers or Dragnet and compared notes the next day.

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