February 17, 2017

Christians talk a lot about standing up for our beliefs and doctrines. It seems we often feel this is the best way to show our devotion to God and to be a witness for Him. Read more

February 15, 2017

I am sometimes asked, How can you be a Christian and not support the death penalty? The answer I usually give is quite simple: when Jesus said Love your enemies, I think he meant Don't kill them. Read more

February 14, 2017

Much of Evangelical Christianity has dehumanized Muslims by treating them as a project rather than neighbors. Read more

February 13, 2017

It started in 2013. I got married in January and a month later, in February, my mother got a DUI. Read more

February 12, 2017

I hear in these ancient words a call to embrace and embody life as gift, even during messy, difficult, and uncertain times. Read more

February 10, 2017

I want to tell the rest of the story--what happened after we left that evangelical church and started going to a mainline one. Read more

February 9, 2017

Let’s consider the first morning at university for one hypothetical 18 year old raised in a typical evangelical church subculture. His name is David. Read more

February 8, 2017

My daughter is terrified of what will happen to her because of her faith and beliefs and the country in which her grandparents were born. Something is awfully wrong with that picture. Read more

February 7, 2017

You don’t have to be in a cult to experience legalism. There is plenty of it spread throughout mainstream Christianity. Read more

February 6, 2017

American Christians, those who support the refugee ban, I have a friend I would like you to meet. Read more

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