November 14, 2016

Well. Donald Trump has been elected the next president of the United States. How is that sitting with you today? Read more

November 9, 2016

What does Make America Great Again mean according to Evangelical Christianity? Read more

November 8, 2016

We're often asked how people can be Christian and vote for a pro-choice candidate. In answering that question, these are some important points to consider: Read more

November 7, 2016

René Girard's mimetic theory is paramount in addressing the violence that grips our world. Read more

November 4, 2016

As so many people resoundingly reject the hypocrisy, hate, homophobia, and misogyny of the Christian church, they also often leave behind the spiritually nurturing aspects of religious life and find themselves adrift in a post-church world. Read more

November 2, 2016

What we need is lament and reconciliation to our land and our native peoples. Read more

November 1, 2016

The charge of Marcionism is often leveled toward anyone who says that God is just like Jesus, who rejects the violence depicted in the Old Testament, and who insists that Christianity is centered on the ideas of peace and reconciliation. Read more

October 25, 2016

I don’t know how else to tell everyone this, so I’ll just come out and say it: I’ve decided to leave church. Read more

October 24, 2016

As we move toward this event, we all know our personal opinions on candidates and issues. The question is: do believers approach issues in the same way as other citizens do, or are there principles of the kingdom that cause us to be different in any way? Read more

October 20, 2016

Bigotry is as bigotry does. Read more

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