May 29, 2019

For Americans, there is perhaps nothing more defining and nothing more important than the concept of freedom. It is in our political system as democracy and our economic system as capitalism. Freedom is a staple in our songs and our conversations. All of this informs the way we view our identity, not just as a nation, but as individuals. We want to be free, in every sense of the word. We buck against being controlled or censored. The problem is that the concept... Read more

May 27, 2019

A few days ago, two things happened in the same hour that caused me to pause and reflect about the power of influence. The first was I used a word I never use. I realized it was something one of the students at the school says a lot. The second was I made a gesture I never make. I knew it was something I had picked up from someone in my life. But I can’t for the life of me... Read more

May 24, 2019

Nobody likes suffering. It is the worst part of being human. The most confusing. The most difficult to endure. Yet suffering is not something we can completely avoid. Although we spend our whole lives trying to be comfortable and affirmed, suffering finds us. It can come in the form of tragedy or apathy, anger or depression. But suffering is something we have to address. It is something we have to figure out how to deal with if we are going to... Read more

May 22, 2019

Celebration is important. We tend to replicate what we esteem. Our relationships can become a dead zone of celebration. Life together can be monotonous, routine after routine. Caring for one another is not always exciting. And, therefore, we have a difficult time remembering how great it is to be in one and how much we need to celebrate. Marriage can become a constant evaluation of what is wrong and what fire needs to be put out, what fears are creeping... Read more

May 20, 2019

Almost every human is actively pursuing relationship. We like having friends. We are desperate for a spouse (or a dating partner). We want to be a part of group, to be in the in-crowd. We are afraid of being left out and isolated. Why? The reality is relationships are hard. They induce conflict, annoyances, offenses, and frustrations. They are sources of stress and they demand so much from us. Many relationships end in failure and heartbreak. Yet we still pursue them... Read more

May 17, 2019

Everybody wants to be great. We want lives of importance. Lives that matter and impact others around us. Lives that both satisfy our longings and affect the world around us. In our pursuit of greatness, we have ruined ourselves. In the name of greatness, we are greedy, willing to lie and deceive, full of animosity and antagonism. More and more people are seeing through the façade of superficial success into the heart of true greatness. Simple observation shows us that... Read more

May 15, 2019

Humans are made for abundance. But the question is “an abundance of what?” Life’s greatest challenge is discovering the truest source of abundance. We are promised it from all sorts of angles. Consumer products, religion, intellect, money, power, fame. We are searching for more and more and more. Our hearts are hardwired for an abundant life. We tend to get it wrong along the way. Material abundance can lead us astray. What we seek to possess ends up possessing us.... Read more

May 13, 2019

Today I went to wash my hands in the restroom and discovered they moved the hand towel dispenser to the other side of the sink. I reached up to dry my hands and there was a sign hanging to the right of the sink, where the dispenser used to be. After a few seconds of confusion, I noticed it is now on the left side. “Has that always been there?” I thought. It wasn’t until I repeated this entire pattern... Read more

May 10, 2019

In our modern society, we are becoming more and more agitated with one another. We are quicker to be offended and quick to cast ourselves as victims, even in menial interactions. We are in a very real danger. A few of them, actually. But the one we want to focus on here is the danger of devaluing community, of losing a true sense of appreciation for what it means to be in community.   The Foundation I think the deepest fear... Read more

May 8, 2019

I had a friend once say to me, “I just want to be a consistent person”. The thought really struck me at the time and has stayed with me ever since. We live in a world that encourages change. Every social circle, institution, and advertising agency has a message for who we ought to be. Strong. Silent. Pretty. Humble. Smart. Funny. Sometimes my life feels like I am thumbing through a Rolodex of pictures. And I react to each one... Read more

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