Nana Buruku- Warrior, Wisewoman, and Goddess

Nana Buruku- Warrior, Wisewoman, and Goddess January 28, 2017

Nana Buruku image courtesy of wikimedia commons.
Nana Buruku image courtesy of wikimedia commons.

Fierce, strong, and a powerful protector of women Nana Buruku is a goddess for these times. In a way she almost transcends time itself, as one of the oldest energies in the Orisha pantheon. describes her as “the archetype of the wisewoman. She is whom you go to for healing, to get pregnant or to end an unwanted pregnancy. In cases of rape, you can go to her for healing and justice. She is especially good with healing with spiritual energy such as Reiki and Chakra work. She lives in the swamp, near the ocean. For the most part, she likes being alone or with her grandchildren. Because of her strong connection with nature, environmental issues are also important to her. She hates the way we are destroying our planet. Nana can be cold, distant and judgmental. ” Nana Buruku, also known as Nana Bukuu, is a distant, yet supremely powerful, force to be honored and remembered.

Nana Buruku is worshiped in Nigeria and Ghana and even takes a sacred place in the pantheon of New Orleans Voodoo as well as in Bahia. In my post Maman Brigitte and Nana Bukuu I wrote how “she is a protector against all things evil. A wisdom and a force of justice of the highest authority. Nana Bukuu is the mother of Obaluaiye, also known as Babaluaye, an Orisha of healing. Legendary Voodoo priestess and anthropologist Maya Deren describes Nana as the primal mother. In some Haitian Vodou houses she is seen as the one who birthed the Marassa, Mawu and Lisa the divine twins. The Marassa energies are responsible for balance and interdependence between all things. They help us to feel connected to the universe and the ancient wisdom of our ancestors. ” Her feast day is traditionally July 26th, and her ritual number is 7. She is never given metal, and even her sacred tools are made of wood.

Nana Buruku Herbs







Spanish Moss


These herbs can be carried in a gris-gris herbal mix to connect with this goddess. Alternatively you can leave them at the crossroads, or under a large tree in the swamp as an offering to Nana Buruku. If you are not initiated be sure not to ask for anything, just leave the offerings to honor the goddess.

Nana Buruku Initiation Rites in Nigeria 2013

Blessings , thanks for reading, and don’t forget to share !


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