January 16, 2015

I have an exciting blog recommendation to anyone interested in evangelization, especially if you need a bit of inspiration with your morning coffee: A Shepherd’s Post. Before taking on the chaplaincy of Boston University’s* Catholic Center, not long ago, Father David Barnes was a young pastor in a New England parish, writing about his vocation and the day-to-day experiences of his priesthood. When I first stumbled on his blog, I was quickly hooked by the intimacy, joy, and energy of his wise and... Read more

January 13, 2015

My hair is curled but not styled. Since my perm, last week, I’ve been mostly wearing it in a pony tail, even though, when I wear it loose, my sweetheart calls me “Curly Sue”–with that look that makes me feel pretty. I’ve set something in motion–in this case, my hair–and I’m a little disturbed about it. The hair fantasy that prompted a big outlay of cash and hours of smelly chemicals on my head does not match the reality of this frightening hair-shrub that won’t... Read more

December 8, 2014

In honor of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, a bereaved mother, Karen Blair, shares this reflection on Mary’s motherhood: I was sitting at my computer one August afternoon, and was going through a book titled “Hail, Holy Queen,” by Scott Hahn. In this book, Scott talks about the “The New Eve,” and the “Queen Mother”; Mary, Ark of the Covenant, “clothed with the sun,” with the “moon under her feet,” and on her head a “crown of twelve stars.”... Read more

December 6, 2014

I was in such a funk, for about a week, wishing Advent could just be spent working in a soup kitchen. I know. There’s nothing wrong with the sentiment. It’s a good thought–spending time serving the poor instead of shopping and decorating. But it’s not practical for an overloaded, working wife and mom. So I growled around, feeling like my life was off the rails, too busy with writing deadlines, appointments, activities for my daughter, errands for my husband, and... Read more

December 3, 2014

To celebrate my new, mobile-friendly website, AmazingCatechists.com is having an AMAZING giveaway!!! If you subscribed to our newsletter longer than a month ago or have never subscribed, we’d like to give you the opportunity to SIGN UP NOW at the sidebar on the home page to be entered to win one of MORE THAN A DOZEN beautiful crucifixes—and to receive our once-weekly posts! I’ll be raffling off FOURTEEN stunning pieces by the Holy Mass Crucifix Apostolate, which has received the Apostolic Blessings of... Read more

November 26, 2014

It’s great to be back home, but–seriously–if every trip could be as much fun as this one, I’d head to California once a month–even with the red-eye travel coming home on Saturday night. The “Living the Gospel Joyfully: Viviendo el Evangelio Gozo” conference in Santa Clara was beautifully orchestrated. It was my pleasure to interact with the speaker coordinator, Michele Walsh, and Wendelyn Scherbart, the Director of Catechetical Ministry for the Diocese of San Jose. This classy, flawless event was... Read more

November 19, 2014

California, here I come! Tomorrow morning, I’ll be boarding a plane to San Jose to speak at a very exciting event. The conference, “Living the Gospel Joyfully!” is actually in Santa Clara, but I’m just tickled to be flying in via San Jose. When I was nine years old, Dionne Warwick’s hit song, “Do You Know the Way to San Jose,” written by Burt Bacharach and Hal Davis, was one of my favorites. (My toes still start a-tapping every time it pops into my... Read more

November 18, 2014

My day is going SO WELL. I wonder if it’s because I’m participating in #GraceofYesDay, along with Lisa Hendey and Ave Maria Press? The graces certainly are pouring into every moment of this beautiful, wind-swept, fall day. I’m very busy because I’m preparing to go out of town to speak at a catechetical conference out west, and I still have multiple writing deadlines and laundry up to my armpits. I need to battle back some of those dust kitties, too!... Read more

November 11, 2014

I turned 55 this morning and it feels amazing. I am so blessed as a wife and mother, a daughter, a friend, a neighbor. I’m feeling swamped in love and light, today. I had to run out early to have my car inspected and every single person I encountered, at the garage and at the bakery across the street (yes, I got myself an almond-paste crescent that was delicious), opened doors for me, let me go ahead in line, smiled.... Read more

November 7, 2014

“Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you.” (Exodus 20:12 NIT) I’d like to suggest that, as we approach the holiday season, we offer a particular gift to the Christ child that will bear fruit for eternity in beautiful ways. Let’s make a new and passionate commitment to pray for and love the parents of our students. NOTE: If you want to skip past my pontificating,... Read more

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