Happy July 4th!

Happy July 4th! July 4, 2014

Today is the day that we Americans celebrate our independence and becoming our own country (I say that as though I were there in the 1770s, but growing up in the birthplace of the Revolutionary War will do that to you).

You know, it strikes me as interesting that so many places have an independence day and that day is nearly always independence from British rule. Europe in general did a pretty stellar job taking over the planet.

But all things change and no matter what situation you are in, it will someday pass.

Anyway, 4th of July is a day of celebration and joy, both for the gratitude for our freedoms and for the beginning of summer.

If you ever want to celebrate independence American style, here are the key elements:

  • Grilling. Someone needs to have a grill in their backyard and invite the whole family over. Veggie burgers and veggie dogs are acceptable. Lots of potato chips (crisps). Particularly those with ridges.
  • Red, White, and Blue dessert. Someone needs to bring something made out of cool whip (whipped cream), strawberries, and blueberries. Bonus points if it is shaped like an American flag.
  • Other foods to include: corn on the cob, cole slaw, fruit salad, potato salad, and plenty of American beer.
  • Fireworks. Usually you don’t have to do your own, but can go to some put on by your town. Some places people do their own on their driveways, though.
  • This song:

Where did this song even come from? I have no idea, but I hear it on repeat every year.

Happy 4th of July, everyone!


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