My Future Pilgrimages

My Future Pilgrimages February 14, 2015

My trip to Sringeri was life changing. It shifted something inside me and slightly changed the course of my life.

While I was watching the Shishya Sweekara a conviction began to take hold and grow within me. I realized that seeing my guru, going to Sringeri, is the most important thing in my life. 

So far I have gone only when my dad was going. I would tag along on his trips. And I’m so grateful to have been able to do that! It’s expensive to get from America to India. But this is my guru too and I think it is important for me to take responsibility for that and get there on my own initiative. I shouldn’t just be waiting for dad to want to go. If it’s important to me, and it is, then I will make it a priority to get there.

For me there is nothing more valuable in life than being in the presence of a holy man like the Shankaracharya. I need to start acting on that belief.

With this conviction fresh in my soul, I went into town and bought my husband a dhoti. He’ll need it for when I bring him with me on my next trip to Sringeri! 

Money continues to be an issue for me, but I will put aside what I can towards the expenses of a trip and I will pray to the Gods and the guru to help provide the resources necessary to get us there. I hope to start going to Sringeri every other year rather than every four years.

I love this image of His Holiness with Adi Shankara and Lord Shiva behind him
I love this image of His Holiness with Adi Shankara and Lord Shiva behind him

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