Ostara Sabbat Index: Rituals, Crafts, and Recipes for Witch’s Spring Equinox

Ostara Sabbat Index: Rituals, Crafts, and Recipes for Witch’s Spring Equinox February 18, 2019

The Sabbat of Ostara approaches for the northern hemisphere, and the season of winter wanes into the oncoming season of spring. Witches celebrate this lesser sabbat when the earth enters the fiery zodiac sign of Aries. For the date of Ostara this year, check out www.archaeoastronomy.com. Ostara is the second sabbat in our Great Work of magick, with the agricultural theme of fertilizing the seeds of intention we planted at Imbolc. We utilize the fires of Aries to germinate and activate the life force within our magick, echoing what is awakening in nature all around us.

Following are links to articles about this Spring Sabbat, with my favorite Ostara coven ritual, a magickal craft project of candles poured into dyed eggshells, formulary for an Ostara Incense blend, and then my best spring dishes for the pot-luck feast!

cauldron full of eggs with flowering rod of long stemmed carnations.
Ostara Rites 2016, cauldron full of dyed eggs and chocolate covered cherry eggs, blessed with the “flowering rod.”

Ostara Ritual for a Large Coven

As I prepared to post the following ritual (originally written for our 2016 rites) I realized that we have a unique framework of delegation, and there are many internal techniques within these rites that are unique to our practice. At this point, I might take them for granted; however, they may be valuable to the outside reader. Scroll down to find the posts for the incense and oil recipes used in this rite.

The Maiden Goddess opens the way, waking all life once more, she is the dark soil, made fertile through last year’s compost. The Youthful God grows as the greening of the Earth, his vitality germinating the seeds who now come to bud and are sprouting. They are the new flowers, the waking animals and their new babies; we honor them as the egg and the hare, spreading their fertility upon the earth.

An Ostara Sabbat Ritual for the Large Coven

Crafting Ostara Candles with the Fires of Aries

This Ostara, how about a craft project to make “Fire of Aries” candles?  As we cross into the zodiac sign of Aries, we will tap into the cardinal fire energies that mark the beginning of the Spring season. I like working with the traditional “easter-time” symbol of the egg that is so prevalent in our culture. Plus, we all get the fun of dying and decorating eggs with the kids. So, we’ve come up with a magickal crafting idea that combined the fun of dying eggs, with our need for special candles for each celebrant. We like it when there is a “take away” object from our group rites. As the season progresses, everyone has a physical something they can continue to work with in their private workings. Click on the image below for the instructions!

Crafting Ostara Candles with the Fire of Aries

Ostara Incense Recipe: Magickal Herbalism Like you Really Mean It

This Ostara Sabbat, consider preparing your own herbal incense blend.  Magickal herbalism can be very rewarding to the Modern Witch.  Be the uber-witch: ritualistic, creative and empowered!  Why not dig in and truly engage in everything you do?  Seize the day with both hands, both sides of your brain and all 7 chakras and know you’ve affected change in the world.  Magick is only as potent as what you mentally and spiritually invest into it and the frame of mind with which you use your herbal creations.

Here are a few ideas for preparation with intention.  Click the image for my recipe for an Ostara Incense blend.

Ostara Incense Recipe: Magickal Herbalism Like you Really Mean It

Witchin’ in the Kitchen: Ostara Devil-May-Care Stuffed Eggs

I’m a Southern woman, and around these parts we are known for our “deviled egg” recipes. No Easter Sunday Church potluck dinner is complete without them. However, I’m a witch, so I call my version something slightly different: “Devil May Care Eggs” are the hit of any Sabbat pot-luck. I hope you love ’em as much as I do! Click the image below for the recipe!

Witchin’ in the Kitchen: Ostara Devil-May-Care Stuffed Eggs

Witchin’ in the Kitchen: Greek Goddess Chicken

I love the simplicity and freshness of this chicken dinner. The flavors of Greece always remind me of the Spring time, and I’m looking for something good to bring to our coven’s Ostara Sabbat pot-luck this Saturday. This doesn’t take fancy appliances or equipment, and as long as you can wield an average kitchen knife without hurting yourself, and measure a “bite-sized chunk,” success is almost guaranteed. Click the image below for the recipe!

Witchin’ in the Kitchen: Greek Goddess Chicken

Witchin’ in the Kitchen: Chicken Crack Dip

I am breaking my own ethical vows to harm none by posting this Chicken “crack” dip recipe. Like a snack-dealer hovering in the shadows at the edge of a playground, tempting you with this creamy, spicy carnal bliss on a cracker….come closer my pretties….the first taste is free…

Witchin’ in the Kitchen: Satan’s Favorite Chicken Crack Dip Recipe

However you celebrate this Spring Equinox, I wish you a happy and productive spring!


About Heron Michelle
Heron Michelle is a witch, priestess, mom, artist and shopkeeper living in Greenville, North Carolina. Connect with her on Facebook: Witch on Fire: Heron Rising Services, and follow her on Twitter @HeronMichelle13. You can read more about the author here.

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