December 5, 2013

Want to shine your beauty? Want to attract more? Want to attract love? Do these questions grab you? We live in a world that offers quick fixes, but none of it offers you the opportunity to just be you. What if the disclaimer said, “Don’t you yearn to just be yourself? Are you tired of trying to get approval at work, home, relationships, and trying to prove yourself? Aren’t you tired of following the rat race?” The best solution I... Read more

December 4, 2013

I remember being in school years ago and having a moment of, “Oh this is it.” It felt refreshing, uplifting, and a relief.  No sooner did I acknowledge the truth, the mind came pouring in, “Oh great this is it! Really? This is boring, lets go do something…”  At the time the mind brought up some great arguments on why this can’t be it. So good in fact, I left the moment to go fill it up with more somethings,... Read more

December 3, 2013

I woke up this morning and went for hike up in the hills by Griffith Park Observatory. If you are ever in Los Angeles  I would recommend a trip over to Griffith Park Observatory.  There are wonderful trails that lead to the observatory and the views are breathtaking.  As I walked up the winding trail to the top of the hill, I found a wonderful little place to close my eyes and meditate. I have had opportunities to both lead... Read more

December 2, 2013

Yesterday I had the wonderful opportunity of speaking at Unity Burbank. It is a great community filled with inspiring music, laughter, and joy.  I have been speaking there on rotation for over 3 and half years. The first Sunday of every month I speak.  I marvel at how quickly another year has passed, as we move into the home stretch of 2013. In my talk yesterday I asked the congregation to close their eyes and breath into their hearts and... Read more

November 22, 2013

As many of you know, I am considered a Heartspirational Speaker and coach. I help people live from their heart. The process is quite uplifting, dramatic, and inspiring to be a part of. You might say, “I am a midwife to the heart”. Because dropping into the heart from the mind is the process. But the rewards are incredible. Such as living more present, random acts of giving, loving, compassion, kindness, and you stand in your worth. When you stand... Read more

November 15, 2013

Stepping out By David Matthew Brown As we move inward, and explore what we are, we begin to see that authentic love is not what we thought it was. We told ourselves that love was an idea, a concept of utopia, but come to discover that love is much more then a limited vision. We thought if we loved enough, followed the rule of being good children, we would be given a golden ticket in the afterlife, yet that is... Read more

November 14, 2013

1. Innocence is the wonderment of life. 2. With innocence comes playfulness and joy. 3. Innocence is pure and purity is found where it has always been, right now. 4. The search, seeking, reading, questioning, and road stops here. It is when the world out there is finally released to the inner world. And all at once everything is one. 5. Both feminine and masculine exist here. Not as duality but synchronicity. 6. Like a child curious of the next... Read more

November 6, 2013

We have 7 billion people on this planet. And all of them are special. I am not speaking to gifts, athletic abilities, but to the core of each of us. Since most us don’t feel into ourselves, we spend a lot of time separating ourselves from people.  We use tools called judgment, and criticism when we want to be special. That kind of specialness is driven from fear, I am speaking to the innate specialness that no body can take... Read more

November 4, 2013

The Lost Book Of Light: The Origin This is an excerpt taken from, THE BOOK OF LIGHT: THE HEART OPENING By David Matthew Brown, you can buy the book at Amazon: The Book Of Light:The Heart Opening  this section is to remind you on this planet, where we are headed. The bigger vision. As the media focuses on the very few. This section reminds us that we are connected and coming back into our earth community.  Take your time and... Read more

October 30, 2013

continued… I spoke yesterday of Truth, that Truth has no opposite. There is a wonderful song from years past that says, “waking up is hard to do”.  Why? Why are we so frightened to sit in stillness? Jesus said, “Take no thought for your life.” He does not suggest to take this thought and leave this one, or focus on this or that, he explains, “Take no thought for your life.” None. Doesn’t that scare you? He later compares the... Read more

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