May 22, 2012

Yesterday I lamented the paucity of media coverage regarding the lawsuits filed by 40+ Catholic groups. It appears that the media outlets had some backing and filling to do. CBS again seems to be leading the way, at least in terms of getting the story out to the public and bringing in folks to get to the roots of it.

Here is Timothy Cardinal Dolan speaking with Charlie Rose on CBS This Morning. Charlie Rose and Erica Hill do a great job asking pertinent questions, while His Eminence is in his element explaining the whys and the wherefores of the lawsuit. He also discusses the controversy surrounding Catholic college commencement speakers and such. Have a look (please pardon any attempt to sell you beer and shampoo),

As I mentioned yesterday, birth control pill packages, etc. will always be floating in the background. Read more over at CBS.

Obviously, Cardinal Dolan can’t be everywhere, and on every network at the same time, but he lands on his feet and is a cheerful witness whenever he does.

April 18, 2012

The Logical Vegetarian by G. K. Chesterton. This was published in Wine, Water, and Song just last week (er, 1915)…

“Why shouldn’t I have a purely vegetarian drink? Why shouldn’t I take vegetables in their highest form, so to speak? The modest vegetarians ought obviously to stick to wine or beer, plain vegetarian drinks, instead of filling their goblets with the blood of bulls and elephants, as all conventional meat-eaters do, I suppose.” — DALROY.

You will find me drinking rum,
Like a sailor in a slum,
You will find me drinking beer like a Bavarian.
You will find me drinking gin
In the lowest kind of inn,
Because I am a rigid Vegetarian. (more…)

April 1, 2012

Last year on this day, I shared an off-the-wall poem about Palm Sunday penned by G.K. Chesterton. This time around, I’d like to share the prologue to his collection of four novellas that were published and entitled as, “The Four Faultless Felons.” Tying it all together is a prologue and epilogue on a model of virtue know as Count Raoul de Marillac.

As always, GKC has a way of turning matters on their head, and looking at them upside down in a way that is uniquely Catholic. The Prologue of the Pressman does just that. Reading it, I can’t help but think he was on to something here, with asceticism turned on its head as “the penance of boredom.” Don’t judge a book by its cover… (more…)

March 29, 2012

What is the happiest sounding instrument in the world? Hands down, my vote goes to the banjo. And one of the greatest players of the banjo of all time has been called home. Yes, we have lost Earl Scruggs, and I for one am saddened by this news. But not for long, see? Because Earl wouldn’t put up with me wearing the long face for too long.

The Associated Press relates the news to us as follows, (more…)

March 9, 2012

Today, movie fans, we have a first for the YIMCatholic Lenten movie series: a double feature. That’s because the two movies presented here tonight were really meant to be one movie, but it was just way too long. I don’t know if Richard Lester just went wild, or if he couldn’t stand the idea of leaving Alexandre Dumas’ adapted story-line on the cutting room floor. (more…)

February 21, 2012

This is your Captain speaking. I have to inform you that the cruise we’ve been on since October has come to a close. All ammunition, food and water was expended, and we made it back to port just in time for a wee bout of shore leave. (more…)

February 12, 2012

I love Blaise Pascal. I’ve said that before a number of times. The guy accomplished more in the thirty-nine short years of his life than I ever will, and I look forward to sharing a beer with him in Heaven. And if he doesn’t like beer, I’ll share a glass of wine with him instead.

He is a mathematical genius who can also write well. His Pensées are easy to read, easy to understand, and he gets right to the point. And as unlikely as our friendship may seem to you (dead guy genius befriends knuckle-headed, and still living, Marine), the Holy Spirit brought us together. So go figure.


February 10, 2012

That is the latest scoop, from  ABC News this morning.

Feb 10, 2012 7:04am

White House to Announce ‘Accommodation’ for Religious Organizations on Contraception Rule

With the White House under fire for its new rule requiring employers including religious organizations to offer health insurance that fully covers birth control coverage, ABC News has learned that later today the White House — possibly President Obama himself — will likely announce an attempt to accommodate these religious groups. (more…)

February 7, 2012

“I can’t believe Frank Weathers brought that petition into my den, and then shot it clear through the ceiling, and it’s headed to the Moon. That is awesome.”

No. God is awesome, and so are all the folks who took the time and effort to sign the little petition that could. You’ve heard me say it once, and I’ve said it a million times. Bravo Zulu, to all of you. BZ, BZ, BZ. (more…)

January 22, 2012

Would that really surprise you if I said that one of the reasons why I am Catholic is because of Crony Capitalism? Well it shouldn’t, if you think about it. Perhaps you haven’t read Caritas In Veritate, or looked into the the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church. Maybe you skipped over all of those posts I wrote when I was being a Rand Buster™. (more…)

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