

Patriotism is NOT a godly duty, but is it one of loving your neightbor? EPISODE 133

Join Paul and Ashley for this week’s discussion about the political swing in evangelicalism from politics as “dirty and worldly” to today’s view of “godly duty” from declarations of whom to vote for from the pulpit and singing patriotic songs in worship services. But can "Seek the welfare of your city" (Jeremiah 23:7) change our view of what it means for a Christian to be civically engaged? #Evangelicalish #ReligiousRightReligiouslyWrong #postevangelical #UnconventionalPastor #GodIsNOTmadAtYou #MindRenewal #Rethink @UnconventionalPastorPaul #WellBeing #Deconstruction #reconstruction

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