

Reviving the Global Heart, After a Heartbreaking Election: With Joe Weston EPISODE 141

Joe Weston is an international facilitator, author, lecturer, consultant, coach, professor, and-above all else-an advocate for lasting peace. He speaks to a revival of the "global heart." How do we revive the global heart when so many are broken hearted after America's election day this past week. Paul and Ashley discuss this with Weston who has a career spanning 30+ years in the fields of conflict prevention, leadership, stress management, and communication. He is a highly sought-after thought leader and trainer for individuals, as well as corporations, government agencies and nonprofits around the world. The Weston Network: https://joeweston.com/weston-network/ Respectful Confrontation: https://www.amazon.com/Mastering-Resp... Fierce Civility Project: https://fiercecivility.org/ #Evangelicalish #ReligiousRightReligiouslyWrong #postevangelical #UnconventionalPastor #GodIsNOTmadAtYou #MindRenewal #Rethink @UnconventionalPastorPaul #WellBeing #Deconstruction #reconstruction

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