Preston sits down with Barnabas Piper (John’s son) to talk about the pros and cons of growing up in the fishbowl of a pastor’s family. Barnabas has been through a lot and is super honest and raw about his journey. He’s wrestled with his faith, found his own theological journey, been through a divorce, worked for a conservative Christian organization, and now serves on staff at a church in Nashville. And he’s written a few books in the midst of it all. Barnabas Piper is the author of three books - The Pastors Kid, Help My Unbelief, and The Curious Christian. He co-hosts two podcasts, The Happy Rant and The Table of (mal)Contents , writes for He Reads Truth , and has contributed to numerous other websites and publications. Piperspeaks regularly at churches and conferences around the country and lives in Nashville with his two daughters and serves on staff at his church, Immanuel Nashville. Support Preston Support Preston by going to Connect with Preston Twitter | @PrestonSprinkle Instagram | @preston.sprinkle Check out his website If you enjoy the podcast, be sure to leave a review.