This Quoircast Podcast episode is brought to you by Drugs And Jesus by Joshua Lawson published by Quoir. The book will be available April 11, 2023 on Amazon In this episode we chat with Stephen Prothero Stephen Prothero is the New York Times bestselling author of Religious Literacy and chair of the religion department at Boston University. His work has been featured on the cover of Time magazine, Oprah, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, National Public Radio, and other top national media outlets. He writes and reviews for The New York Times Magazine, Wall Street Journal, Boston Globe, Washington Post, USA Today, Los Angeles Times, Salon, and other publications. He holds degrees in American Religion from Harvard and Yale. You can connect with Stephen on: Facebook ? ? ? Twitter ? You can find all things Stephen Prothero related at his website You can purchase God The Best Seller at You can connect with This Is Not Church on: Facebook ? ? ? Instagram? ? ? ? Twitter ? ? ? TikTok ? ? ? YouTube Also check out our Linktree for all things This Is Not Church related Please like and follow our Quoircast Partners: Heretic Happy Hour ? ? ? Messy Spirituality ? ? ? Apostates Anonymous ? Ideas Digest ? ? ? The New Evangelicals ? ? ? Snarky Faith Podcast ? ? ? Wild Olive Each episode of This Is Not Church Podcast is expertly engineered by our producer The?Podcast?Doctor ?Eric Howell. If you?re thinking of starting a podcast you need to connect with Eric!