This Quoircast Podcast episode it brought to you by Go Wide:Reimagining The Landscape Of Theology - by Martha Elias Downey. Published by Quoir and available now. In this episode we talk with PK Langley. PK Langley is married to her wife and best friend of 22 years, Ashley. They have a son and daughter in love and a lovely grandson. PK is an ordained pastor who spent 30 years in church ministry and as a senior pastor. She has travelled internationally, preaching and teaching conferences to crowds in the thousands. She is an author and is currently pursuing her licensure as a mental health clinician. PK is passionate about seeing people find their distinction in life. PK is also a healer and functions in gifts that help dislodge those things that prevent people from finding their true selves. You can follow PK on: Facebook Twitter Instagram You can find PK's blog posts on Patheos You can Purchase PK's book on You can connect with This Is Not Church on: Facebook Instagram Twitter TikTok YouTube Also check out our Linktree for all things This Is Not Church related Please like and follow our Quoircast Partners : Heretic Happy Hour Messy Spirituality Apostates Anonymous Ideas Digest The New Evangelicals Snarky Faith Podcast Wild Olive Each episode of This Is Not Church Podcast is expertly engineered by our producer The Podcast Doctor Eric Howell. If you’re thinking of starting a podcast you need to connect with Eric!