January 31, 2017

I'll admit to having a few fluffy bunny tendencies. But, as a rule I don't claim to be magical to everyone I meet to impressing them with my witchy-ness. Read more

January 29, 2017

Ma'at was the gods' food, and human offering of ma'at enabled the cycles of reciprocity that maintained the condition under which ma'at could be found. Read more

January 28, 2017

As we shift from Winter's dormancy to Spring's rebirth, our desire for new possibilities drives us to Brigid’s tremendous powers that can remake our life. Read more

January 27, 2017

People who don’t love themselves are unprepared for a meeting with Freya. If given chance, She will let them see themselves the way that She sees them. Read more

January 25, 2017

Do you dream? I bet you do. Do you try to elucidate them? I would be surprised if you didn't. Here's a method, and an example, of how to go about it. Read more

January 24, 2017

Aleister Crowley is often labeled a Decadent for his obsession with sex magick. But traditional mysticism is more radical in its understanding of sexuality. Read more

January 23, 2017

Every potions master begins somewhere—I started just jumping in. Knowing that with enough trial and error I could make liquid magic kept me passionate along the way. Read more

January 22, 2017

New Years is a time that many of us make resolutions to change over the next year. Statistically, we all are abysmally bad at actually succeeding at resolutions. Read more

January 20, 2017

Milk is called nature's most perfect food, and this is true for baby mammals and others alike. Read more

January 17, 2017

I've been an advocate of making use of what we have at hand when it comes to spirituality and magic. We grow best where we have deep and strong roots. Read more

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