Announcement: Master of Arts in Peace Studies Program and Journal

Announcement: Master of Arts in Peace Studies Program and Journal March 13, 2014

Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University

Master of Arts in Peace Studies Program 

Call for Academic Articles for the Santisuksa Journal

A Thai Buddha statue at Sukhothai in the “Fearless Mudra”; photo by Justin Whitaker, 2012.

Associate Professor, Venerable Dr. Hansa Dhammahaso, has recently created the Master of Arts in Peace Studies Program, at Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University (MCU); and as part of the academic committee formed to create the program, Dr. Dion Peoples (MCU) has taken the initiative to create the academic journal, entitled: “Santisuksa”, which is the Pali/Thai-language version for “Peace Studies”.  Associate Professor Dr. Dipti Mahanta of MCU Khon Kaen Campus, has also been enlisted to be the co-editor.  Dr. Dion Peoples and Dr. Dipti Mahanta will be solely responsible for the Santisuksa Journal.  The name Santisuksa implies: ‘Peace Studies’ and since it is in Pali/Thai-language, Buddhism or the Buddhist-perspective is also emphasized through the name.  Santisuksa will strive to be the leading academic journal in the genre of Peace Studies, but we can only do this with your ideas.

We think each volume created will have ten articles within it, and we plan to maintain this journal on a regular basis, once a year, more if there is a sizable and steady amount of quality submissions.  For now, we are not sure how often we can release the journal, but we believe in the journal and comprehend its necessity.  Each journal will be posted online, on the webpage for the MCU Peace Studies Program.  Every student will be encouraged to review these articles for the sake of their thesis; therefore these articles need to be thematically-competent, and they should be something valuable for the sake of research.  Here is a list of criteria that we will look for, in terms of analyzing the articles for publication:

·         All articles will be examined for their thematic relevance and significant research in primary resources, sociological research, and other innovative or theoretical perspectives

·         Articles can be sent in continually with the understanding that each volume may have only ten articles in each.  We will save other acceptable ideas for any future special thematic volumes (to our discretion or by popular demand).

·         Clarity of organization and Accessible prose style


  • Papers should be from 8-12 pages, submitted in the preferred font: ‘Times EXT Roman’ (for papers with Pāli/Sanskrit diacritic markings).
  • Please download this font: – and compose your article in this font.  Articles will be returned if there are any undisplayed diacritical-markings.
  • Papers may be rejected for specific circumstances, but may be rewritten, following the Santisuksa committee recommendations.



The genre of peace-studies will be greater through your valuable contribution.                                                                                       

Yours sincerely,

Associate Professor Dr. Dipti Mahanta & Dr. Dion Peoples

Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University

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