Stunning Photo of Noah, Miscarried at 12 Weeks, Shows LIFE in the Womb

Stunning Photo of Noah, Miscarried at 12 Weeks, Shows LIFE in the Womb March 24, 2015


Just look at this precious photo. 

This little baby was miscarried at 12 weeks and 5 days. His mother, Lara, says “Just like every other mother, this first photo of my child will always be special to me. I am devastated that we lost Noah, but I know that his 12 weeks of life had a purpose. His body reveals the miracle of human life.”

If Noah had a different mother, his life could have ended in a much more violent way. He could have been suctioned out of his mother’s womb and crushed to death.

Thankfully, his mother didn’t make that choice. He was loved, even though he was never born. And now, hopefully, even his premature death will help other babies just like him to have a chance at life.

His mom named him Noah, because the name means peace and comfort. Lara will treasure the 12 weeks that she carried him, and knows that his short life did have purpose. “If [Noah] could help show one mother considering abortion the beauty of her child, then our loss would be worth it.”

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