Student Denied Admission to Public College Because He Loves God

Student Denied Admission to Public College Because He Loves God April 3, 2015

Happy Students on Campus

Brandon Jenkins applied to the Radiation Therapy Program at the Community College of Baltimore County last year. He was surprised when he didn’t get in, because his academics were good and he met all the requirements for the program.

So he just asked why they made that decision. You won’t believe the reason this public college denied his application. In the admission interview, Brandon was asked the question “What is most important to you?” He answered with the truth: “my God.” But the admission counselor didn’t like his answer, and expressing this religious belief cost him his spot in the program.

When he asked the reason, the program director didn’t beat around the bush:

“I understand that religion is a major part of your life and that was evident in your recommendation letters, however, this field is not the place for religion.” Additionally, Ms. Dougherty stated, “If you interview in the future, you may want to leave your thoughts and beliefs out of the interview process.”

It doesn’t even make sense. Loving God would interfere with his ability to give radiation therapy?

The ACLJ is helping Brandon bring a case against the school official – who is also a government official, since it’s a public college. The case actually is defending his religious freedom against “hostile and discriminatory treatment by the government.” The school tried to get it dismissed, but the court just said the case can go forward.

Thank goodness!

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