The President Ignores American Citizen Tortured in Iran… Again

The President Ignores American Citizen Tortured in Iran… Again July 16, 2015

Remember when you were a kid, you had a certain view of the President of the United States?  He was someone who stood for good in the world?  He was someone who stood for other Americans?

When I first started writing about the American pastor who was thrown into Iran’s worst prison for no other reason than his faith, I honestly believed our government would do something.  If Iran had abducted, imprisoned, and tortured Ivy League hikers who’d lost their way, I feel like Obama would’ve sent in the troops.

But for Pastor Saeed, he won’t even lift his finger. In fact, he goes out of his way to cut a deal with Iran.  National Review describes it this way:

The Obama administration has just reached an agreement with a jihadist, aspiring nuclear nation that is in an unofficial state of war with the United States, granting that nation massive, nearly immediate economic benefits without ending either its jihad or its nuclear program. This is what President Obama calls victory. History will likely view it as a catastrophe.

It is a catastrophe for our nation and world.  But it’s also something else.  It’s a death sentence for this American citizen:

[Iran] currently holds a number of American citizens as de-facto hostages, including an American pastor — Saeed Abedini — held only because of his Christian faith. Abedini has reportedly suffered severe abuse in prison, including beatings so harsh they caused him chronic internal bleeding.

My view of the Presidency, of course, has changed.  I’ve seen too much and learned too much about how the government works… or doesn’t work.  But this feels different than normal government incompetence. The President of the United States is purposely ignoring a man who’s — at this moment — bleeding internally because of torture.

It’s embarrassing that Iran can get away with treating an American like this with no repercussion but a handshake and a smile for the cameras.

It’s a betrayal.

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