ISIS storms in killing group of nuns, but how one nun survived is truly miraculous

ISIS storms in killing group of nuns, but how one nun survived is truly miraculous March 31, 2016

Early in the morning on March 4th, members of ISIS attacked a church-run retirement home in Yemen operated by a group of Catholic nuns. The terrorist thugs slaughtered the guard and the driver first. Christian Ethiopian men ran to tell the nuns that ISIS was there to kill them.

ISIS captured these men. According to the account posted at Christian Post, “They were killed one by one. They tied them to trees, shot them in the head and smashed their heads.”

The nuns tried to run off, but some were captured and killed.

“They caught Sister Judith and Sister Reginette first, tied them up, shot them in the head and smashed their heads,” the testimony explains. “They caught Sister Anselm and Sister Marguerite, tied them, shot them in the head and smashed their heads in the sand.”

You may wonder how we could know all the details of the attack. That’s where this story takes a miraculous turn.

Sister Sally is the one surviving eyewitness. How could she possibly survive?

By standing in the refrigerator room behind a door. She says the terrorists came into the room at least three times, and she stood there behind the door, silent and still.

“These ISIS men were everywhere, searching for her, as they knew there were five [nuns],” the account reads. “At least three times they came into the refrigerator room. She did not hide, but remained standing behind the door — they never saw her. This is miraculous.”

A couple hours later, after the other nuns and other Christian men were slaughtered, the priest was kidnapped, all Christian artifacts smashed and destroyed, the ISIS terrorists left.

Days later, Pope Francis referred to Sister Sally’s four slain sisters as martyrs for Christ. Sister Sally mourns their loss, but feels God miraculously kept her alive so she could testify to their sacrifice and the horrible persecution brought on Christians in the region for their faith.


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