January 2, 2019

A lot of people are living through hard times right now…maybe even you, so to help you (or them) get through this crisis, lay hold of these enduring Bible verses. Philippians 1:6 And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. I’m not sure I could finish what God has started in me because I keep falling, however, this promise of God (Phil... Read more

December 31, 2018

Here are some great Bible verses you can use to launch your new year in 2019. 2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. If you have trusted in Christ, then you are a new creation in Christ and ready for anything that comes your way in the new year. The old things have passed away, like a sinful lifestyle and sexual immorality, and... Read more

December 28, 2018

It seems we are the hardest person to forgive, so here’s how you can enter a new year with zero regrets. Have the Funeral One of our most widely used phrases when people can’t forget for forgive their past is to “Have the funeral.” Bury the past, and move on from what you can’t change. Living with regret about something you’ve done in years past, or even recently, does absolutely nothing to change it. All that serves to do is... Read more

December 26, 2018

Holy water is now one of the hottest selling items on TV and the Internet, but does the Bible mention holy water? Baptism Every believer is commanded to be baptized after they are saved, with the understanding that the water doesn’t save them. There’s no special power in water or special waters that are blessed to make them holy, and after examining the Bible, I found the Scriptures silent about holy water. There is much to say about water, and... Read more

December 24, 2018

There is great power in our words…power to do good and power to do harm, but words of gratitude have a power that keeps on giving. Words The saying that “Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never harm me” doesn’t appear to be true. I can’t count the number of people that’ve heard words from their parents like, “You’ll never amount to nothing” and “You’re useless.” Sadly, this can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Words do matter…very... Read more

December 21, 2018

There are some Bible verses that clearly stand out around Christmas time, but a few are often excluded, so here are some of the most widely used Bible verses for Christmas with our wishes for you and yours to have a Merry Christmas. Matthew 1:18-25 “Now the birth of Jesus Christ took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit.... Read more

December 19, 2018

Why did the Apostle John say he wanted believers to abide in Christ and have boldness on the day of His appearing, and not shrink back in shame? What’s the meaning? Faithful Servant All believers are stewards…stewards of their time, talent, and treasure, and Jesus will hold us all accountable for what we have done (Matt 25:40) and haven’t done for Him (Matt 25:41), so when Jesus was speaking about stewardship, He gave the Parable of the Talents. To each,... Read more

December 17, 2018

Single people are often overlooked and excluded from holiday gatherings, so here’s why we must not forget our single friends, family, and acquaintances. Alone Many single people will be joining their family, friends, and acquaintances this holiday season, but far too many will be excluded because they’re often forgotten. Many single people feel that, to be out of sight is to be out of mind. They aren’t always afforded the opportunity to participate in family celebrations, holidays, or other gatherings... Read more

December 14, 2018

For millions around the world, Christmas time is one of the most wonderful times of the year, so if you’re sending Christmas cards, here are some great Bible verses you can use. Isaiah 9:6 Many prophecies were written concerning the coming of Jesus Christ, the Messiah…or Immanuel, who would save God’s people from their sins. For example, in Isaiah 7:14 Isaiah wrote, “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son,... Read more

December 12, 2018

What’s so great about all the old hymns? Maybe it was the fact that they were theologically sound. Theology So, what’s so great about all the old hymns? Aren’t they outdated or old fashioned? Or, are they more theologically sound than many contemporary Christian songs today? In our day, it’s not always theology (study of the “Word”) you hear in Christian songs but a “me-ology,” or Jesus is the lover of my soul, Jesus is my friend, and so on.... Read more

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